Jack Kelly x Male! Reader

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(Oh my god your username is amazing-)

Here is your request!


If anybody were to walk in that day, they would probably see two boys in an apartment. One with brown hair and a blue shirt in the kitchen and the other hunched over a laptop, typing furiously and looking like the world was coming to an end.

Y/N sat at his computer, staring at the screen with and expression that basically read "haven't slept in five days, don't piss me off bitch". He wore a tan hoodie and some black jeans.

Jack had noticed Y/N's recent suffering and wanted to do something about it because Jack is a caring boi.

He walked behind him and snaked his arms around Y/N's torso, trying to be a caring boyfriend. Y/N had been so stressed out for the past few days that all Jack wanted to do was cuddle for hours on end.1s

Y/N felt hands wrap around him and instinctively hit Jack's gut, not knowing it was him. The boy in the blue shirt groaned as he doubled over in pain. Y/N'a punches hurt way more than he remembered-

When he swiveled around on his turny rolly chair thingy, (you know the one-) he nearly snorted at the sight before him.

Jack dramatically fell to the floor, pretending to die (he was in pain though) "Death by my own lover?! How cruel are you, world?!"

Y/N rolled his eyes and helped him up, laughing all the while apologizing. "Sorry- it was self defense!" He said, holding his hands up and defending himself.

Y/N ran a hand through his H/L H/C hair and stood up, needing a break.

"But you're working yourself too hard, N/N," he whined, hugging the taller/smaller boy.

Y/N laughed and sat down on the couch. "I just have a few more persuasive essays to write and then I'm done."

Jack walked over with some chips in a bowl and a blanket, snuggling next to Y/N. "But that's so...boring. Wouldn't you rather spend time with me?"

Y/N laughed at how dorky he was being and burrowed into the blanket. "Sure Cowboy. Sure." He mumbled, stealing Jack's cap and putting it on his head.

And y'all had a great time cuddling and crying at Avengers: Endgame because why not.

Okay, okay. I know this sucked but I had inspiration for a solid 5 minutes. So, uh, this is the product of me being tired and writing when I feel motivated. 👍 Also, expect a chapter from Maria tomorrow. Have a good day/night!


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