Jake Dillinger x Reader // Chapstick

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I was applying chapstick when Jake came up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

We had been together for 5 months but he never failed to make me blush.

"Jake, what do you want?"

"Whatcha doing?"

"Putting on vanilla chapstick."

"Can I try?"

I looked at him skeptically. He never wanted anything to do with my vanity products.


"I wanna try!!" He whined.


"Fineeee" he said as he dramatically exited the room.

-Time Squip-

I had invited Christine, Chloe, Brooke, and Jenna over.

"So anyways, did you hea-"

I was cut off by Jake pressing his lips to mine.

I instantly melted into the kiss, him kissing back.

He pulled away and I pouted, as the girls made their remarks.

"Aww you guys are so cute!"

"You guys are cuter than Romeo and Juliet!"

He just walked by and ignored the comments. He then whispered in my ear, "I like this chapstick."

My eyes widened and I started to laugh. Apparently it was infectious because everyone else started to laugh.

Jake kissed me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed once more, but not before hearing the click of a camera.


A/N: I don't love the story, but I guess it's okay. I don't hate it. Okay, feel free to request because we are currently lacking inspiration.

-The team

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