Barrett Wilbert Weed x Fem! Reader // Protests

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I felt someone tap my shoulder. I spun around on my heel.

"Are you here for the protest too?" She asked.

"Um, yes actually. I accidentally left my sign back at home so..."

She handed me one of her signs, "Here, take it. I'm Barrett by the way."

I smiled at her and said, "I'm Y/N"

———————-Time Squippy ————————

I was walking into my favorite cafe with I'd Rather Be Me blaring in my ears, when I bumped into someone.

"Oh shit," I muttered to myself.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I was heading to a protest for-" She said

"Barrett?" I asked.

"Y/N?" She said, shocked.

"I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?"

"Protesting and single as ever," she said with a shrug.

I hugged her.

—————Another time skip cuz I'm lazy————

Barrett and I had moved in together after 4 years of knowing each other and I think I like her. Ughhhhh.

Barrett was out of the house and I decided to shuffle Heathers on my phone. Seventeen was on and I was singing to it.

Someone came up and hugged me from behind, resting her chin on my shoulder

"Hey, hypothetically, what if you liked this person but didn't know if hey liked you back?"

I pondered the question for a bit.

"Well, I'd make it funny and make them laugh."

"Okay, got it. By the way, nice song choice."

"Oh than- wait... BARRETT WILBERT WEED?!"

— Last time skip I promise. Brought to you by moi—

I woke up.

"Barrett? Where are you?"

There was a post it on my bedside table.

Knock twice on the wardrobe.

So I did it.

And Barrett came out of the closet.


She left the closet with a shirt that said "Bitch, I'm gay."

I applauded her performance until she ran over and kissed me

I loved it.

"Hey, wanna go to a protest for LGBTQ rights?"

"Hell yes!"

"Hey Y/N?"


"I love you."

A/N: it sucked but right now I have no inspiration and I feel dead. Ok, hope you liked it @hedmunds0805. Also, thanks for the request because Barrett is a precious bean that must be protected.  This is unedited. Boba might edit later.


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