Davey Jacobs x Reader // Overworking

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Request from @CaptainSwanEriel . Hope I did this right-

Ever since Davey and Y/N had married, life's been tough.

Well, it was never exactly easy, but now it was hitting her in the face.

She hadn't eaten in the longest time, she couldn't spend time with Davey anymore, and she was tired all the time.

"I'm almost done!" She called to Davey, who came to take you out to lunch.

Davey still worked for the World, but he wrote some articles occasionally.

Y/N turned off the sewing machine and tucked all of the thread away neatly.

Y/N walked over and was engulfed in a hug instantly. "Hi swee-" and you never finished that sentence.

"Y/N!" Davey yelled, seeing you collapse in his arms. And then he felt a small vibration against your stomach.

He sighed, knowing you would be alright. You were just fatigued.

Davey picked her up bridal style, and walked over to their apartment, getting weird looks from onlookers.

He gently laid her on the couch and walked to the kitchen, making lunch for her before she woke up.

Y/N slowly got up. "Davey? What smells so good? Are you cooking? Why am I here?"

"Y/N!" He called, running over. "Are you alright? Why didn't you eat? I came to take you out to lunch and you passed out!"

"I was so worried! Why aren't you taking care of yourself? Why haven't you eaten?" He asked, all in one breath, getting up, rubbing his temples, and pacing.

"I-" Y/N tried to get up, but doubled over in pain.

"I'm sorry Davey," she averted her gaze. "I just haven't had the time to eat. Honestly, it was the least of my worries."

"Maria wanted a tear in her clothing repaired, Anna wanted me to tailor a coat," (Yes, I put both of us in there. Sue me.) Y/N sighed. "I don't think I really thought of self care."

Davey sat down next to her and gently rubbed her stomach, trying to ease the pain.

"I have F/F cooking right now. We just gotta wait." He said soothingly.

She leaned on him. "I'd like that."

A/N: Alright, sorry that sucked. Hope you liked it. And um, PSA. For the next two or three weeks, our updates are going to suck. We have this thing called odyssey of the mind, and every day is gonna be from 3-9 PM. Maybe this weekend we could sneak a update or two though. Alright, that's it. See ya.
-Salty Potato

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