Racetrack Higgins x Short! Short Tempered! Reader // Temper

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Based on a conversation Maria and I had. I'm falling for this boy, and it isn't good. I also love Bonnie and Clyde now, so...oops.

Y/N chewed the popsicle stick in anticipation. Crutchie said he'd bring another person for her to meet.

She hated meeting new people, and didn't socialize much. Just her small group of friends.

But when Crutchie bought up meeting another person, she couldn't say no. He was too sweet.

"Temper?" Crutchie said, looking at her.

"Hm?" She turned around, putting pressure on her heels. Her loose red button up aired out around her, going up to her knees.

"There's someone I'd wancha to meet..." Crutchie opened a door and a boy stepped in, looking around.

He was lanky and too tall for his own good, he had bright blue eyes, and curly blonde hair, and he chewed on a cigar.

He was kind of cute, but that didn't mean Y/N was about to be nice. Hell no. She was only somewhat nice to Crutchie.

"Who're you and what do you want?" She asked, looking up at him.

He stood still for a minute, just standing there. She was beautiful, with her H/L H/C hair... oh, she was talking to him.

"Ooh, in a rush are we? The names Racetrack. I'se just gots a question for ya. Are ya French? 'Cause Eiffel for ya." He winked.

Oh boy. Did he just-

"Say that again, I'm kicking you off the Brooklyn Bridge." She glared, before shoving past him angrily.

Race was shocked. Most girls fell for him instantly. This was new.

Crutchie shot him an apologetic look before going to find Y/N.

"Temper?" He asked, peeking into her room. There were no other girls, with the exception of Katherine, so Y/N got a room to herself.

"Okay, who the hell was that, and did he just flirt with me?" She asked, pissed off.

~Big Time Skip. Like, 4 Years.~

Four years of this and her temper never failed. Well, now she was in the Refuge cause of it. Fun.

"Temper?" Crutchie asked from the window, gazing out.

"Hm?" She wasn't really listening, chewing away at her popsicle stick

"Someday, when we get outta here, we'll go back to selling papes. We'll get outta here."

Y/N just nodded. She couldn't really think of anything else to do.

A knock on the window broke her trance, and she almost fell out of the bunk. And a head appeared.

Well, two actually.

"Crutchie and Temper, we'se come to rescue you." Race grinned proudly, like an idiot while Jack tried to fit in the window.

"Um, yeah no." Y/N said, sitting on the top bunk and looking down at Race for once. "I can escape on my own."

Jack helped Crutchie out and whispered, "be quiet, and hurry up!"

"I can get outta here by myself, Race." Her pride was going to be her downfall. It was certain. She put her popsicle stick away and crossed her arms.

"I don't care," Race shrugged, pulling her nightgown, and when she didn't budge, he slung her over his shoulder.

"ANTHONY HIGGINS, PUT ME DOWN YOU SON OF A-" she yelled, hating this.

"Fine, you'se don't like that?" He whispered hurriedly. "Here," he carried the small girl bridal style and climbed out the window.

Her face went red and she demon shrieked.


"Shh!" He whispered, glaring at Y/N.


"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP, TEMPER?!" And then he kissed her, to shut her up. Sure, he was probably making a big mistake, but who cares?

Y/N was in shock for a minute, before she kissed back. He tasted of cigars and vanilla.

After reaching the top of the rooftops, he gave her his signature smirk.

"You can put me down now." She said, deadpan.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Racetrack, I swear to god-"

He kissed her again and then set her down, her small feet gently tapping on the building.

~Time Skip~

"Race's goil, are ya?" Jack teased, seeing her wearing Race's hat. "Didn't know you were into that sorta thing."

"Shut it, Kelly. I will not hesitate to soak you." She said and continued to read the book she borrowed from Davey. All of the boys in the lodge laughed.

"Ey, Temper, methinks you oughta be with a real man!" Romeo called from across the room.

Y/N looked up. "Why? You got any in mind?" She grinned and walked upstairs, tired of the boys.

A wrist pulled her into her room, her letting out a yelp of surprise.

"Race, what the he-" she was cut off with his lips pressing against hers.

"Is you'se my goil?" He asked, sounding insecure, and breaking the kiss.

Y/N rolled her eyes and grabbed the fabric of his brown vest, pulling him down to her level, and kissing him again.

"Does that answer your question?" She smirked.

"Nah, I think I need more proof," he said, before kissing her one more time.

A/N: sorry this sucked. I'm just getting over the flu and it's 3:30 in the morning, because y'know. I'm responsible. I promised Maria I'd get at least 4 1/2 hours of sleep daily, so see ya!
-Salty Potato

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