I Make Way Too Many of These

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I can practically hear your thoughts.

"Holy Mother of everything Holy, she's making another one of these again. She's gonna make one of these and disappear for another few months, and then come back again and be fine, supposedly, until she repeats the cycle..."

Yeah, I get it.

I'm quite angry at myself, to be honest.

I'm just going to talk about some things here.

For about the 100th time, I'm sorry, but I really can't keep posting here without feeling like I'm disappointing you guys because I'm writing less and less.

So I think my only ultimatum here is that I make 1000 word-ish chapters and update like never or make short chapters semi-frequently, you guys can tell me which one you'd prefer since I don't know.

We all know the COVID-19. It's the new Coronavirus, no doubt. Think I wrote this in my bio, but I'm Chinese.

I've got grandparents, family, and friends all in China, and I'm worried to the fact I'm losing sleep over what could/will happen to them. 

I'm going to leave it there.

People in my grade treat it as a joke. It makes my blood run cold when I hear someone joke about that crap. I've got a whole family there, why the FUCK are people so insensitive?

My mom has been yelling at me a lot more. I can't tell at this point whether I'm picking fights with her or she's picking fights with me, but I'm tired of it and I just wish it would stop. I don't know if it's necessarily abuse, and I'm pretty sure that it isn't, but I just feel so deprived of the sense and security I had.

Maybe it's part of growing up. Maybe I'm totally delusional about all this. 

I live in California (no, this is not an invite to stalk me). There are quite a few cases in my county and schools are shutting down. My school might as well. If anyone in our town gets the virus, we may be forced into our houses and may not leave unless extremely needed, like leaving to buy groceries.

So yeah. I'm so worried and I don't know what to do and I'm mentally dying every day.

That's my excuse this time, I guess. But luckily, I'll still be able to write, and I promise with all my heart I'll get a decent sized chapter out this week.

I'm not going to go any deeper on this issue, I think it speaks for itself, and honestly, I'm okay, I think, just really shaken up.

Okay. I'm done, I guess.

Thanks, everyone.

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