Davey Jacobs x Reader // Remembering

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What the hell am I doing? I can't write angst. WE'RE ALMOST AT 10K, SO DO YOU GUYS HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR WHAT WE SHOULD DO? Also, please give me any writing feedback. Like, if this makes you cry, please tell me so I know I'm doing something right. Also, this one is probably gonna be long. As for the Beetlejuice review, it was AMAZING. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. -Salty 

Tears blurred his vision as the casket that carried his love was in his field of vision.

As the people poured in from the entrance, he watched them all walk over to the casket and shed a few tears or just look very solemn.

After everyone had come in, the room was filled with an eerie silence. it was chilling how everyone felt the same feeling.

One of Davey's best friends, Jack, walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Davey, I'se think you should go and give 'em your speech now.

He walked up to the podium, ready to give a speech. He readjusted his tie and cleared his throat, trying to focus on the audience.

His croaky voice was heard from the back of the room, despite sounding like he was about to snap.

Everyone on the room focused on him the second he started to speak.

"If you're here, you've come to mourn Y/N. I think that's why most of you are here..." He started, nervously fiddling with the hemming of his suit.

"Um, so in case any of you don't know me, I'm Y/N's fiance..." He mumbled. "She was, uh, the light of my world. As cheesy as that may sound, it's true."

"I remember that, in high school, we actually got together, after mustering up the courage..." he continued, getting more comfortable. 

Davey started to remember to a time when she was around, not wanting to be there. She always said that if you had to be somewhere you didn't want to be, keep talking until you went somewhere else.

He looked around nervously, wanting to find a place to sit.

A small girl with pigtails smiled up at him, beckoning for him to sit with her. He went a little pink, but decided to sit with her. 

"I'm Y/N! Who are you?" The girl, Y/N, asked. Her eyes glimmered with hope and excitement.

"Uh, David." He stuck his hand out awkwardly.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You don't look like a David. Hmm, I'm going to call you Davey!" 

He was going to tell her off, that he wasn't one for nicknames, but the look of pride on her face softened his heart. 

MIDDLE SCHOOL/JUNIOR HIGH (Whatever you guys call it.)

He had gotten his growth spurt. And hit puberty. (Yes, I am FULLY aware I skipped elementary.)

Except instead of looking like shit or being a pervert, he was kind, compassionate, and a bigger bookworm than in elementary. 

He'd always stand up for you and your nickname for him still stuck, but ONLY for you.

You constantly flushed every time he would compliment you and look away.

"Davey! Over here!" You called, being surrounded by a group of boys. You seemed to be getting along well with one of them, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy spread through his body.

He had blond hair and a cigar sticking out of his mouth. He seemed to be flirting, and you were laughing along with the rest of the boys.

Davey sat down, putting his lunch on the table and  lunch felt like an eternity, full of that boy, who he learned was dubbed 'Racetrack', flirting with Y/N.

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