chapter 14: not giving up

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Sunstreaker's POV

Sideswipe let out a cruel scream, sinking on his knees while Optimus and Ironhide stormed in, seeing the mess. I stood next to her while Ratchet covered her body with the bloody sheet. I walked over to my brother and grabbed him, holding him tight to my chest. He was upset, I felt it over the bond and so was I. I didn't know her for a very long time, but I liked the femme a lot.

Sideswipe pushed me away "NO!" he shouted. removing the blanket from her chest before he climbed on the bed, sitting upon her chest, trying to reanimate her. "Sideswipe..." Optimus said. "Shut up!" he spat. Pushed harder on her chest, trying to get a life signal from the femme, but it didn't come. "Please! please, please! come back!" He said before he smashed his fist on her chest.

It was silence for a moment, but I saw the line returned on the monitor, with that weird making sound. Sideswipe looked up before he looked at her, looking in her dull and exhausted eyes. "Don't you dare to die!" he snapped. Her heartbeat was getting stronger again, Ratchet and jolt pushed him aside before they started to work on her.

Sideswipe was trembling and stood next to me "twins... leave," Optimus demanded, looking at me. I saw I needed to take Sideswipe before he would pass out or something. I walked over to our room and sat him down on the edge of our bed, washing his hands with a wet towel. "It's okay, Sideswipe, calm down!" I told him. He looked at me, confused and shocked. I helped him remove his leather jacket, throwing it over the office chair located in front of our desk.

I moved the pillows a little so he was comfortable and washed the blood off my hands and removed my shirt before I laid down next to him, close against him to comfort him. "It's my fault! I was mad at her..." I shushed him. "It's not your fault! we don't know what happened! just calm down! she will survive this!" I told him sternly. He looked at me and snuggled into me, burying his face in my warm neck.

I wrapped my arms tightly around and softly rubbed his back until I noticed his body was limp indicating he was asleep. I always knew how to bring him in recharge or to calm him down. I sighed softly while laying him down and got up, slowly walking over to the medbay. "How is she?" I asked Ironhide. "Stable... Ratchet stitched her wounds but he wants to keep a close optic on her "She's lucky... do you have any idea who and why someone tried to kill her?" he asked. I stared at the medical berth.

I shook my head "Maybe an intruder!" I said before I walked over to her. Ratchet was still covered in blood but the mess here was cleaned, they had moved her to another bed. I slowly carried her cheek. "Stay with her, please," Ratchet told me. I nodded and sat down on the edge of her bed. "Sia?" I whispered as I grasped her hand. "Please Sia! wake up!" I told her. The femme slowly opened her eyes, looking at me.

"Sunny..." she said while smiling. "Hey... are you okay?" I asked. She groaned a little as she moved "I am fine..." she muttered. I huffed and rolled my eyes "You're always saying that!" I threw back. "I am alive..." she threw back. I nodded and smiled "Who did this, Sia? what happened?" I asked her. She holds my hand "I can't remember... All I know is that someone attacked me with a knife..." she said. "Intruder or soldier?" I asked. She shook her head "I can't remember... I don't even remember what happened after that... all I know what Sideswipe smashing my chest... it feels like he hit it with a hammer," she grunted.

"Sorry... that's also my fault..." I said hoarsely. She hummed "Well... we need to find the one who almost killed you!" I sighed. She nodded quietly but said nothing "Anything else you remember?" I asked. "No..." she stated, but I saw something in her eyes what didn't make me believe this story, but she was exhausted and I saw she was closing her eyes again. "Just try to rest... maybe you can remember it later," I said. She sighed and nodded before she was asleep again.

- Twilight- Sideswipe & Sunstreaker (under editing) Where stories live. Discover now