chapter 29: hurt

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I woke up and saw only sunny and I was still here. The golden mech laid still on the ground, not moving at all while he was awake. I jumped off the table and walked over to him, I started to cry again.

"Please get up, Sunny!" I sobbed, pushing him softly. Sunstreaker groaned as he tried to lift his helm, but he let it fall back on the ground. "Sunstreaker, please! Please get up!" I cried.

The mech vented before his optics focused on me "just go... you need to flee and get Sideswipe!" He whispered. "No! I can't leave you alone! I won't! Please get up! I need you!" I cried starting to panic.

"Try to contact sideswipe..." he whispered before he blacked out again. I looked around and limped over to my jacket on the ground, grabbing my phone which was still there luckily. I knew something was off, why did they let us go like this? I brushed it off, I couldn't stay here any longer and certainly not with an injured mech.

"Sideswipe!" I squeaked. "Where are you!" He screamed at me. "Please help me! Please! Y-you need to help me!" I cried.

"Sia! What happened where are you?" He asked. "They got him! They tortured Sunny! He's badly injured!" I cried. Sideswipe gasped "just calm down and tell me exactly what happened!" He ordered me.

"Ally... She tortured me first before the dreads walked in and started to beat and cut him! They revealed his protoform and cut him open... his chassis is leaking... and they... crankcase-..." my voice broke. "What did he do, Sia! Tell me!" He insisted I heard he was upset. "Ally was mad he never fragged with her... so Ally ordered crankcase to rape him, Crankcase bit and scratched him with his claw looking servo's until he passed out from pain..." I sobbed. 

Sideswipe was silent and I noticed he hung up, so I presumed he was upset and heading this way, he must have tracked my phone or something. I sat down against the wall, looking at Sunny's motionless frame in front off me.

About 2 hours later, Sideswipe stormed in, kneeling down next to his brother. "Sunstreaker!?" He squeaked, carefully grabbing him and holding him in his arms. "Oh, brother!" He sobbed. Sunstreaker woke up from his brothers cries and looked at his twin weakly, having a weak smile.

"Thank Primus you found me, Sideswipe," he whispered. Sideswipe pressed a kiss on his helm, trying to comfort his twin brother.

I silently watched the twins, I never felt so guilty before. It felt like this was all my fault. Sideswipe looked at me when sunny blacked out again, I didn't know what to say to him, I saw he was angry like he blamed me for this.

"Sideswipe-..." he cut me off. "I don't wanna hear it!" He snapped. I felt the tears in my eyes while I glanced at my crush. "This is all your fault! If you never showed up in my life I never met that stupid thing!" He shouts at me.

I flinched and felt the tears run down my face. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed, making me cover my ears. "I HATE YOU!" He spat with rage. I felt the tears stream down my face and without thinking I run off, I couldn't stay with him any longer, Sideswipe was right this was all my fault.

I hold my brother tight in my arms, not paying attention to the femme after what I told her. Sunny opened his optics and grasped me tighter in response. I saw the pain reflected in his once icy blue optics. Now they were dull and filled with pain.

"Please! I don't wanna stay here any longer... I'm tired," he muttered. I softly stroke his helm "I know... you can recharge soon... Ratchet and Prime are on their way, Okay? You don't have to drive," I whispered.

"I'm so glad you're here..." he replied, closing his optics again. I smiled and softly carried his helm until Ratchet and Prime walked in.

The medic instantly knelt down, looking at the deep wounds in his body. Sunstreaker flinched as he touched his frame. "Sunstreaker?" He asked. My brother weakly looked at him. "Are you able to move?" He asked.

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