''Jesus, Sarah!'' Phil was shaking me awake.
I shook my head, trying to clear my head.
''Baby, are you okay? You were having a bad dream.''
He switched on the lamp and gazed down at me, his face etched with concern.
''The door.'' I whisper.
''What door? The front door?'' He asked soothingly.
''Yes. Is it locked?'' I asked.
He stilled for a moment and then nodded his head. ''What's wrong?'' He asked.
''I'm scared.'' I said scooting closer to him.
''Of what?''
''Damon.'' I muttered.
''He won't hurt you, Sarah. Not while I'm around.'' He ran a hand through my hair, calming me down.
The thought of Damon made me nauseous. A glanced at the alarm clock and showed it was five in the morning.
''Try to get some sleep, Princess. I'm here.'' Phil said as he put his arm over me and kissed the top of my head gently.
* * * *
I woke up too warm and I was still wrapped around Phil. Even though he was fast asleep he was still holding me close. My head was on his chest, my leg tangled with his, my arm across his stomach.
I raised my head, scared that I might wake him up. He looked relaxed in his sleep.
I tentatively rain my fingertips through his brown hair. He moaned but didn't wake up, making me smile. I kissed his lips and his eyes opened.
''Hey.'' I grinned at him.
''Morning.'' He answered warily. ''What are you doing?''
''I'm gazing at you.''
''It's creepy.''
''It's romantic.''
Suddenly, he moved on top of me, pressing me into the mattress, his hands on mine. He stroked his nose with mine.
''I think you were up to something.'' He accused, his mouth forming into a smile.
''I love watching you sleep.''
''No. You love waking me up.'' He laughed.
''That too.'' I giggled.
''Oh really?'' He asked, kissing me lightly on the lips. ''Breakfast or sex?'' He asked, his eyes dark but full of humor. I lifted my hips to meet him.
''Good choice.'' He murmured against my throat, as he trailed kisses down my breasts.
* * * *
I was finding it difficult to eat. By lunchtime on Wednesday, I managed a cup of yogurt, and it's the first thing I had eaten since I had that dream. I was surviving on lattes and Diet Pepsi. It was the caffeine that kept me going, although it was making me anxious.
''Sarah.'' Mr. Davies called, making me jump. ''Are you okay?'' He asked.
''Yes, just gave me a fright that's all.'' I excused myself.

Amor Vincit Omnia
JugendliteraturDoes love really conquer all? For all her life, Sarah has always taken her Spanish mother's advice on everything. But one piece of advice stood out before everything. ''Chica, don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like hi...