The New House

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Mara's P.O.V.

Okay, this new house SUCKS. I never wanted to move in the first place, but Dad's new job forced us to move. Mom said it'd be a nice way to meet new people at school, but I didn't want to meet new people.

Sort of.

I mean, yeah, I had a few issues with some people at my old school. There was this one girl who would always nag during my math class. Ugh, she annoyed EVERYONE. Then there was this one other girl who was so obsessed with herself, and she always talked about how great of a person she was when in fact she wasn't that great of a person. Besides, she always lied about herself and made everyone feel sorry for her.

Who even cares now? I'm here now, and I can't go back.

The house isn't that large, but it's not too small either. It's medium sized, which is perfect for my family. It's made of red bricks and took quite a while to make, from what Mom told me. The outside of it makes the house look smaller than it really is. The inside is enormous! It has it's main floor, a second floor, and a basement. The living room of the house is nice and cozy; it even has a fireplace! The kitchen is nice also: it has snow white walls, a white tiled floor, and a white fan that makes so much noise when it's on.

My room is the best, to be honest. It has baby blue walls, and a carpeted floor. My queen-size bed fits perfectly in the left corner of the room, right across from my computer. I'll put my One Direction posters up this weekend, but I'm too tired right now.

Shit! I just remembered that I start school in two weeks. Knowing Mom, she'll want me to go school shopping sometime next week. It's not my favorite activity, I'll admit that much, but it'll keep my little brother off my hands for a while.

And my little brother is annoying as hell.

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