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Ashton's P.O.V.

I sat her down on the couch of my living room. My hands were shaking like a mad man, but I had to come clean with her. She looked at her with big eyes that melted me. Okay. Time for the truth.

"Gwen is my ex," I told her, even though Gwen made it obvious that we had something before Mara came into my life. "We dated for six months before she left me for another man."

I forced myself to look away as Mara's eyes teared up. I couldn't watch her cry, I just couldn't do that.

But when she didn't cry, I looked back at her.

"So what does this mean?" She asked me, wiping her eyes dry.

I thought for a second before I spoke again. "It means you don't have to worry about her," I finally told her, "because I don't have any more feelings for Gwen."

There was still one thing that haunted me that I wouldn't dare tell Mara. I'm sure I already broke her heart by telling her that Gwen and I were once a thing. I refused to break her heart anymore today.

She slightly smiled up to me. "Promise?" She asked me quietly. I nodded and took her hands.


I've broken a lot of promises before, but this was one I knew I could keep. I didn't like Gwen anymore, and in fact, I couldn't even stand her. I would've told her that, but I found myself unable to speak.

A giant grin grew on her face when I made that promise. It was that beautiful grin that was on her face when we were at the carnival, and I didn't want to miss a second of it. I smiled back, of course, and bit my lip softly.

I'd keep that promise for damn sure.

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