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Mara's P.O.V.

"And remember, you are performing your scripts first thing next Tuesday! Have a nice weekend."

Finally, school was over and it was the weekend. I walked out of the auditorium with my bag on my oeft shoulder. Someone grabbed my wrist all of a sudden, but it happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react.

A tall blond boy with sky blue eyes brought me to the right corner of the auditorium. He wore a black and white hoodie with dark grey jeans and a pair of vans on his feet. His eyes were so blue that they shined, even in the dark corner of the room.

Wait a second.. I knew him from somewhere.

"Hey, you didn't meet me across the cafeteria!" He yelled quietly to me.

"I'm so sorry," I said quickly, still trying to figure him out.

I finally was able to recognize him. He was the boy who was in my homeroom. I watched Netflix off of his laptop, and he got startled when I giggled. My eyes widened when I realized this.

Before he could say anything, I spoke up. "Why do you hate Gwen also?" I asked him quietly.

His eyes grew wide slightly, as if I just insulted his music taste or something. He didn't say anything, just stared at me. What was going through his mind? Was it something personal that I wasn't supposed to know about? If that was the case, he could've just said it was personal.

"She used my friend for sex," he finally told me quietly. My eyes widened in horror.

"She used Ashton?"

The boy shook his head. "Not Ashton my best friend, my other friend Jackson." He teared up slightly and looked back up at me with watery eyes. "And she would've used me too if she didn't leave me for Jackson."

I bad a feeling about what she did with Ashton, but I didn't speak of it.

"So who are you?" I asked the blond boy.


"Luke?" I repeated after him. He nodded with a small smile on his face.


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