Cold Pizza

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Mara's P.O.V.

This is disgusting.

Really? Cold pizza for lunch? On the first day of school? Were they even trying?

Pff, whatever. I had to go see that mystery kid. He said to meet him across the cafeteria at the vending machine. Maybe I'd get something there instead.

I didn't move another inch when I heard his voice.

"Mara!" He called out. He started running over to me, his curls jumping as he ran. I found it adorable how he ran. He ran like an idiot, I couldn't help but giggle.

He ran over and hugged me tightly. I loved his warm embrace so so much. His large arms around me and his hands on my waist. He ruffled his hair up as he pulled away and smiled down to me.

"Come on, let's go eat outside."

Outside? I don't go outside. I'm in a indoor kind of person. I hate the outdoors. I didn't argue with him, though. I'd be insane to argue with him anyway. I nodded up to him as he took my hand.

We walked outside in the cool autumn season.  It was really nice, actually. The leaves were falling from their trees, there was a breeze that was barely noticable, and more importantly, I was with him. That's all that mattered.

We sat down at a small table right beside a tree. He let me sit in the shade because he didn't want me to get too hot from the sun. He took his tray and pushed it to the middle of the table.

"Have a fry," he said, smiling to me. I shrugged and grabbed one.

I never liked eating in front of people. I always stuffed my face, and I didn't want him to stare at my funny or walk away. I only took one fry and ate it in little bites.

"How has your first day of school been going?" He asked me as he grabbed a chicken wing. He bit into the thing like he's never eaten before. I was almost startled, but managed to still speak.

"Fine," I said quietly. It was not fine, I hated my science class, and not because I hated science in the first place, but because of Gwen. I didn't dare tell him that, though. He didn't need to know that right now.

Ashton smiled and took another monster-sized bite out of the chicken wing. He looked at me dead in the eyes before speaking again.

"Follow me." He got up quickly and took my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, giggling softly.

"Somewhere," he told me.


"Be patient."

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