Carnival Pt 3

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Gwen's P.O.V.

I stared at him with confusion on my face. Her? Why her? She was just a taller version of me. I didn't find anything special about her.

I walked over to him and placed my hands on his chest. "Come on, how about we-"

Ashton pushed my hands off of him. This has never happened before, what the fuck?


"What the hell do you mean by no?" I snapped, getting in his face.

He pulled himself away from me and took his new girl's hand. I felt offended, but acted like I didn't give two fucks.

And there he went. He left with his hand in hers, and I couldn't stop it.

I had a plan. I was already thinking of ways I could destroy her into pieces. I didn't care what anyone else said, Ashton was mine. And if I couldn't have him, nobody could.

And I meant nobody.

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