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Mara's P.O.V.

Finally, my last class until lunch time, then I only have one class. I couldn't wait to get out of here, just fourty minutes more of this stupid class.

"Oh my god."

I looked up to find Gwen, and one of her friends, standing in front of me. Gwen had a devilish smile on, I knew she was up to no good already.

"Well if it isn't my good friend, Margaret!" She exclaimed. I wanted to correct her, but she cut me off. "How've ya been, darling?"

"G-Good," I told her quietly. She just snickered and nodded.

Thankfully the teacher came in. I don't know what I would've done if she kept talking to me, I hated her guts. The picture of her placing her hands on Ashton made me sick, still to this day, and it only happened just over a week ago.

A note was flung from behind me, and I could only guess who it was. I took the note and opened it up. To my surprise, it was not Gwen.

Hey, meet me at the vending machine right across from the cafeteria. I hate Gwen also.

No name, just those few words. But something about the note made me curious.

Why did this person hate Gwen also?

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