Lost and Found

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I had one thing in my mind at the moment, and that was to find Mara. I ran down the hallways in hopes of bumping into her. I looked out the front doors and saw her.

"Mara!" I yelled to her. "Mara, come here!"

She looked up at me and shook her head.

"Come here, now!" I demanded.

She pointed to the ticket collector and placed her hands on the glass door. I ran over to her and opened the door for her.

"She's in the play!" I yelled as I pulled Mara inside.

We tumbled onto the floor. I chuckled slightly as I looked up at her. She giggled that cute giggle she had.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked her. I took her hands in mine and helped her out.

"I was about to enter the school when two girls stopped me," she explained to me. "They instructed me to go to the school on Nineth Street. I saw the flyer for the school play on here, but they kept arguing that it was on Nineth Street, so I went." She began to tear up as she took her glasses off.

I took her glasses off and cleaned them off with my shirt. "Do you remember what the two girls looked like?" I asked her, curious as to if they might have been linked to why Gwen was dressed up as Juliet.

"One was blonde," she told me. "The other one was tall and had hazel eyes."

Really? Gwen had those two morons help her out? "Beth is the one with hazel eyes and Kate is the one with the blonde hair. Kate is stupid, I don't know much about Beth." I smiled anyway. I was just glad she was safe and that I found her.

"I'm so stupid," she cried. "I missed our play and I really wanted to be in the play with you and we had a stupid argument days ago and-"

I cut her off with a kiss on the lips. I found it cute how she babbled, but all I wanted to do was kiss her. I pulled away quietly with a giant smile on my face. Her smile was pretty wide also.

"Y-You kissed me..?" Mara said quietly. 

Yeah, yeah I did.

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