Carnival Pt 2

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Mara's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually in his car. His car, the boy whom I had just met days ago. I couldn't believe it, it was like a dream come true.

I looked over at him as he drove. His eyes were glued to the road, lips parted from full concentration. Once in a while, when we came to a stop sign or a red light, he would smile shyly over to me. I would smile back, of course.

The car ride to the carnival was extremely awkward. Bon Jovi played the whole ride, never skipping any tracks on his "Slippery When Wet" CD. I looked around at the inside of his car. The radio didn't work, which is why he used his cell phone to play music. The chairs were made of black leather that I slid around in when we made turns. He would giggle to himself when we made those turns, knowing that I was sliding slightly in my seat. I didn't mind, though. I loved hearing his giggle.

We pulled up to the carnival entrance and stared at all the flashing lights. I looked over at Ashton to find a wide smile on his parted lips. The flashing lights danced around on his hair as he watched from the car seat. He turned to me and smiled before getting out of the car.

He came around to my side and opened the door up for me. I jumped out and he immediately took my hand. I blushed a deep red color, not knowing what to say or do. He smiled back down to me and led me into the entrance.

We got our wristbands and headed into the carnival. I looked around at all the games and the few rides they had available. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to come with him to such a beautiful event.

Ashton led me to a game where you had to throw a penny onto a dish and get a prize. He handed the game host a dollar bill and grabbed five pennies. I watched closely as he bit his lip in concentration. He looked so cute with his lip bit, I couldn't stand it.

"Shit, I missed!" He yelled loudly. He took another penny and bit his lip again. Concentration time. He threw the penny with less force this time.

Ding ding ding!

"I won!" Ashton cheered, finally relieved and happy. He ran over to me and picked me up. He twirled me around as the game host applauded him.

"What prize would you like, hon?" The game host asked him.

Ashton turned to me and smiled. "You choose, babe."

Did he just call me babe? I was so red in the face by now, I probably looked like Rudolph's nose when it glowed.

"The Olaf plushie!" I yelled, pointing to a doll of Frozen's character Olaf.

The game host handed it to Ashton. He thanked the game host before running over to me again. He handed me the doll and smiled. "For you."

"Mm, cute little toy," a voice commented from behind us. Ashton turned around confused before his eyes widened.

"Why are you here?" Ashton asked the voice.

A small, blonde girl with black heels on came out from behind a game booth and giggled. She had a lollipop in her right hand and a bunch of raffle tickets in her other hand.

"For you."

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