School Play Flyer

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Luke's P.O.V.

I had a plan for Ashton and Mara. I was not about to have Mara get hurt because of slutty little Gwen. Ashton was about to play by my rules now.

I went up to Ashton during our video class. "Hey, Ashton."

He turned and smiled to me. "Hey, Lukey."

"So, I was thinking," I began, "about what we talked about yesterday."

His eye brow rose. "Oh?"

I nodded. "Yep. And then I found this." I handed him the school play flyer. He took it and looked at it before looking back up at me.

"What is this for?" He asked me.

"Well, I just thought that maybe you and Mara could get closer by doing the school play together.

Ashton looked down at the flyer again and read it over. He looked mainly for the audition date. "Yeah, but this way?" He asked me.

"Well, I just thought that maybe you'd enjoy seeing her as Juliet," I told him.

Ashton looked down at the flyer again before he shook his head. "No thank you," he told me quietly.

Shit. Now what could I do?

Ashton left the classroom. I was left in the room with just my video camera and the flyer. I had to come up with a new idea, I just had to.

I would not let Ashton fall back into the hands of that bitch.

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