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Luke's P.O.V.

I walked up to Ashton during our study hall. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on between him and Gwen. I didn't know Mara too well, but I knew that she had strong feelings for him.

It was weird going up to Ashton. We haven't spoken since last school year, which was only three months ago, but still. I felt awkward, and some what nervous about it.

"Hey, Ashton."

Ashton turned around to me and smiled wide. "Lukey!" He shouted, running over to me. He greeted me with a giant bro hug and a fist bump. "How've you been, man?"

I shrugged, smiling to let him know that I was fine. We were always close, so he could read my body language. He knew when my smiles were fake, and when they were real. He knew when something was bothering me, and when something had just made me crack up.

He looked at me closely and shook his head. "Tell me the truth," he said in a stern voice. I sighed when he said that, thinking that maybe I could get better at hiding the truth after three months. Guess I needed more practice.

I took a deep breath before opening my mouth. "It's about you and Gwen."

The happy smile on his face faded away quickly. The cheerfulness in his eyes disappeared, and he quieted himself. Now it was my turn to play the "tell me the truth" game.

"Nothing," Ashton said after a moment. I knew he was lying. He always looked down at his shoes and played with his fingers when he lied.

I decided to back off for now. I did have one last question for him before I left the cafeteria.

"So are you and Mara an item?" I asked him, acting as if the previous question was never asked in the first place.

A small smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. His eyes suddenly appeared to be happy again, not like from just a moment ago when I mentioned Gwen. He thought for a second before answering me.

"Soon," he told me. "Soon."

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