Thirty Minutes

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Ashton's P.O.V.

Where was she?

She's not the type of girl who would just ditch in a time like this. I knew her better than that, and she would never do that unless it was an absolute emergency. Even so, I'm sure she would've texted me.

I looked up at the clock as I put my shirt on. We had thirty minutes until we went on stage.

Come on, Mara. I'm not mad at you anymore. I want you here, I need you here. I want to kiss you when our kissing scene comes up.

"Looks like you'll need a new Juliet."

I turned around to see Gwen walk towards me in a Juliet dress. I shook my head slowly as I waved my hands in front of me. "She'll be here," I said.

"Yeah, your little darling will appear," Gwen said sarcastically as she placed her hand on top of my hand. She lowered my hand with hers and placed her foot on top of mine. "Truth is, Ashton, that she isn't comig. She doesn't want to be with you. She told me upfront that she never liked you. She finds you as an annoying pest and she was only using you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didn't; I wouldn't.

I pulled my hand and my foot away from hers and huffed as I walked away. The words were stuck in my head, though. I knew they weren't true, but I couldn't help it. I peeked out the curtain and instantly found Luke sitting at the piano. It was too late to go up to him and tell him what Gwen had said to me, so I decided to play her game.

If she wanted to play the bitch, I would play the basturd.

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