A Note

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Mara's P.O.V.

I sat down quietly in the back of the room. The classroom was huge; it definitely fit way more than the average twenty-five student classroom.

A tall blond boy walked into the classroom with his laptop in his hand, and a StarBucks coffee in his other hand. He sat down next to me and opened his laptop up. I could see that he had Netflix on, and he was watching How I Met Your Mother. I smiled as I watched next to him, not wanting to seem like a creep. Barney said something funny, so naturally the boy laughed. I accidentally laughed also, causing the boy to scream from being startled.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly said as he gripped his heart.

"Dammit, you startled me," he said, panting heavily. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched what was on the screen. He looked at the screen also and smiled slightly before turning back to me. "And who the hell are you?"

"I'm Mara," I said, holding my hand out.

The blond boy looked down at my hand confused, as if he's never seen a hand before. I could tell he was in some sort of daydream, so I just lowered my hand down quietly.

"I'm Luke," blond boy finally answered. He smiled wide at me as his dimples began to deepen. His lip ring had a glare that fell off of it from the window behind him. "Are you new here?"

I nodded my head as the teacher came in. I quickly turned back to the front of the room and listened to the teacher.

"Wait! Wait! Don't start!"

The whole homeroom, including me, turned to the door as a curly blond haired boy came running into the room. He was out of breath, he looked exhausted.

"I'm so sorry, I was driving to school but then I got a flat tire so I had to call my mum to come and pick me up and-"

He fell into a dead silence once our eyes met. He tried to speak again, but he stuttered when he tried to. A small smile grew on his face as I smiled over to him.

"So yeah, sorry about that," he finished up. The teacher just rolled her eyes as she commanded him to sit down wherever there was an open seat.

The boy looked around for an open seat then finally sat behind me. I felt him kick at my desk as I listened to the teacher go on and on about fire emergencies and such.

A note came flying over my shoulder a minute later. I opened it up and looked around for the answer as to who threw it over to me. Realizing I wouldn't find an answer, I decided to open the note up:

Let's sit together at lunch, eh?

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