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Ashton's P.O.V.

I took her into the back of the library. It was a small cubicle, not meant for more than five people to hideaway in.

She looked around at the place curiously.

"This is where kids go to study," I explained to her. "Sometimes kids need more quiet than the library."

Her face lit up, and her smile was huge. I took her hand and led her to one of the couches in the left corner of the room. I sat her down and smiled shyly to her.

"So.." I said nervously.

"So.." she mumbled quietly.

I would have kissed her, I really wanted to. I didn't, though. I didn't want to rush into it. I was not one of those guys who kisses on the first date - even though this was technically our second, but still.


I looked up at her. Her eyes were nervous, and it looked like she wanted to say something.

Nothing. Nothing came out of her mouth.

"What is it?" I asked her, placing my hand on top of hers.

I saw her blush and shake her head. "Nothing," she replied after a moment.

I wasn't completely convinced, but I was not about to ruin this moment. I finally was alone with her. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Ring ring ring!

Fuck me.

She looked sadly over to me as she got up. I didn't want her to go, but I knew that I, too, had to leave. If this were a month into school, I would've said, fuck it, let's skip. Hell, I would've said that if it were this time next week.

I took her hand as we walked out of the cubicle.

"So, I guess I'll see you after class," she said shyly. I nodded in agreement and smiled.

She let go of my hand right before she walked out of the library door. I watched her walk away down the hall.

She looked so perfect.

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