Carnival Pt 1

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I smirked into the mirror as I stared at myself. Damn, I looked sexy. I had on black skinny jeans, a black tee on, and my usual navy blue bandana on. I ruffled my hair around a little as I looked at the clock. Shit, only ten minutes until I had to go and pick her up, and my breath wasn't even ready. I ran into the bathroom and pushed my little brother, Harry, out.

"It's important!" I yelled as I shut the door on him.

I felt bad, I admit it. I'm never like that, I am not some heartless asshole that kicks their little brother out of the bathroom for no reason.

But today, I had a legit reason to kick him out of the bathroom. I was going on a date. My first date since my stupid ex decided to dump me and leave me for someone else.

I knew Mara would be different from the start. Something about her was just.. unlike any other girl I have ever met.

Whatever it was, I liked it a lot.


I pulled up to her house and smiled at the Halloween decorations they had put up. I wasn't sure to get out of the car or not, but I did anyway. I shuffled nervously all the way to her front door and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I heard someone say. It sounded like a man's voice, probably her father.

A tall man opened the door and smiled down to me. "You must be Ashton. Come on in." I entered their house and smiled sweetly to her father. Her father gave me an uncertain smile back, which made me feel less confident in myself.

But I completely forgot about my lack of confidence when she came down the stairs. She looked amazing. Her hair was up in a side ponytail that was braided nicely. She had on blue denim jeans that were skinny, black boots, and a white sweater that kind of looked a little bit itchy. One other thing that I noticed about her - she wasn't wearing her glasses.

She ran over to me when she was finally down the stairs and giggled. I smiled at her and went for her hand, but her father cleared his throat, forcing me to pull back.

"You two won't be late, now will you?" Her father asked, glaring me in the eyes. I shook my head quickly, not wanting him to think anything dirty. "You will keep my daughter safe, right?" I nodded again, giving him a reassuring smile.

"She's safe with me, sir," I told her father. He turned back to Mara and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Text me on your way home!" He called out to Mara just before we closed the door.

I finally was able to take her hand. I blushed slightly as our hands came in contact. I was so shy, but her going out with me to the carnival made me so much more confidence for some unknown reason.

I held the door open for her with a smile. Once she was inside, I got into the driver's side and started the car.

Then, we were off.

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