Jealousy and the Flyer

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Mara's P.O.V.

Why the hell was he talking to her? I thought he was over her? Did he lie to me just to make me feel better about myself.


There was no way that he could lie to me, right? I mean, he gave me a ten minute apology for when he bumped into me at Staples, he had to be the most honest guy I knew.

Luke was coming out of his photography class when I pulled him over. I pointed over to Ashton and Gwen, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Luke looked pissed off, but he pulled me into a hug.

"Maybe it's not what it looks like?" Luke suggested to me. "Maybe they have a class together and they're partners for a project?"

"But what if they aren't?" There it was, my stupid negativity coming back to bring me down. I tried to stay positive, I really did. I couldn't, though, I just couldn't. I had strong feelings for Ashton, and seeing him with another girl made me feel so upset.

The fact that Gwen was what made it worse. Had it been with any other girl, I probably would've just shaken it off and thought she was a friend or something. But this was Gwen. The Gwen that Luke told me about that used guys for sex. The Gwen that tried to play nice girl with me during our first science class. Worst of all traits, she was Gwen: the girl that Ashton dated for six months.

Luke saw how upset I was and tightened his arms around me. He had a warm embrace like Ashton, but Luke could never compare. Luke's eyes were sincere, I knew he wouldn't lie to me.

"So what do I do now?" I asked him quietly. I looked up into his giant sky blue eyes in hopes that he would have the answer.

He did. He took a flyer off of the bulletin board and handed it to me. I told him on our walk home last week how I enjoyed school plays and acting in them, and he played the piano for school musicals.

"This," he said as he smiled down to me.

I toon the flyer and was a bit confused at first. "What do I do with it?" I asked him, quite confused at his thought process.

He just smiled at me as he took his wallet out of his backpack. He took a dollar bill out and unwrinkled it so the vending machine would accept it. I watched him closely as he got a candy bar from the vending machine and opened it up.

"Well..?" I asked him again, reminding him that he had a question still on the line.

He looked down at me and pointed to the paper. "Read."

And like that, he walked off as the next bell rang, leaving me in confusion. Read the flyer? Why?

I looked down at the flyer just for the hell of it and finally saw where he was going.

"Romeo and Juliet: The Play - auditions start Thursday @ 2:30 in auditorium!"

I'd do it.

I would audition.

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