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Ashton's P.O.V.

Mondays were a drag, especially since school had started again. I couldn't wait until lunch since that's when I would see Mara again. We'd hide in that little back cubicle of the library like we did on the first day of school and we'd forget about everything.

And trust me, I wanted to forget about everything.

A note was on my locker when I went to get some books from it. I took the baby pink sticky note and read it.

You can't run from your past, Ashton, and you know it.

I looked around the hallway for a hint as to who it could be, but no one was staring at me as I read it. Anyone could've written it as prank, but this isn't a note you find on someone's locker on April Fool's Day. This was a serious note, and someone wanted me to let Mara know the haunted thought that I never told her from the day before.

I didn't open my locker, I just ignored it. I would tell the teacher that my locker wasn't opening, or some lame lie that I'd come up with on the spot. Someone was watching me, someone was watching Mara.

Someone was watching us.

I quickly sprinted down the hallway and into my algebra class. It was a sub, thank god, which meant nothing was going to happen today.

As I sat in class, I thought about the note. In fact, the note was the only thing in my mind at the time being, I couldn't help it. I wasn't sure to take it as a threat or what. I played with the pencil between my fingers as I thought more about it when a sudden answer came to me.

I had to find Gwen.

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