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Ashton's P.O.V.

I met with Luke at his house after school like he said to. I entered through the back door, he told me that it was unlocked.

Man, this place hasn't changed a bit. The fridge was still half broken, they still had their small diamond shaped table that he said was going to be gone months ago. The kitchen light over the table was still flickering, which I asked Luke to change months ago, since I had this thing against flickering lights.

But then something caught my eye. I walked over to the fridge and saw the magnets on the front of it. I teared up when I saw the pictures of us in their little magnet frames. I thought that after the whole Gwen thing happened, he would've taken the pictures down.

I picked up one picture of us at the mall. He was wearing huge shades on his face and I had a pair of shades also, except mine were purple instead of black. I smiled when I saw that, then searched around for more photos.

I found another one of us at the park. I remembered that day as if it happened yesterday. He was pushing me on the swing because I still didn't know how to push myself. He told me to pump my legs, so I did. Sadly, I kicked him.. he was alright, but still. I kicked him.

The moment was stopped when I heard a voice.


I turned to see Luke standing in the kitchen doorframe. "Hi," I said quietly. I pointed down to the picture and held it up for him. "Remember this?"

Luke took the photo and nodded. "Yeah, I was driven home and of course, my mum flipped out." We both chuckled at that memory.

"How come we haven't talked much since the whole thing with Gwen?" I asked him. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"You never hung out with me since then," he explained. "I would call, but you would always tell me you were with Gwen. No matter what day it was, it was always Gwen Gwen Gwen. So after a while, I gave up."

I had tears in my eyes by this point. I took the photo from him and placed it back onto the front of the fridge. "Don't give up on me," I begged him. "I talked with Gwen the other day, yes. But I only did that to tell her to back off." His eyes widened slightly.


I nodded. "She kept trying to get in between Mara and I, and I didn't like it. So I told her to quit it. I told her that we were no more, and that she needed to move on."

"But Mara was so upset when she saw you two," Luke confessed. My heart broke when he said that, I never wanted her to see Gwen and I talking in the first place.

"I'll talk to her," I reassured Luke. "I'll tell her that nothing is going on between us."

Luke nodded and smiled up to me. "Okay," he said. I smiled and poked his dimple. "How about next weekend you and I go to the arcade and spend all our money?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Okay."

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