Nineth Street

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Mara's P.O.V.

Two girls stopped me when I tried to get into the school. My mom had already left, and she never answered her phone.

"The school play was moved to the school on Nineth Street," the taller one said.

I looked at her, confused as hell. "But.. the sign says-"

"It was moved to the school on Nineth Street," the blonde girl said.

I was way too excited about seeing Ashton, so I walked off down to Nineth Street. It was about five minutes from my school, but I didn't mind. All I cared about was seeing Ashton.


When I got to Nineth Street, I checked my phone to see what time it was. Shit! It was 7:00 p.m., and the play was going to start in an hour.

I knocked on the doors of the school. I looked into the school. Strange. There were no lights on except in the janitor room. The janitor looked over at the door and walked himself over to me. He opened the door cautiously.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"Mara," I told him. "I'm Juliet in the school play. Someone told me it was being held here."

The janitor looked as confused as I do in math class. "There ain't no play going on in here, girl."


"This school is closed for the weekend. I was only called in because of the two boys who were here this morning for Saturday detention. They made a mess with some printer paper, damn rotten kids."

I nodded to him with sad eyes. He looked down at me and sighed.

"Sorry to tell you that the play isn't being held here," he told me. "But good luck at your show tonight."

"Can you drive me to my school?" I asked him quickly. My feet were killing me by this point, and there was no way I could make it there on time.

The janitor looked at me for a second before pushing his trash bin to the side. "Come on," he told me. "I'll drive you."

"Thank you so much!"

He smiled to me as he got into his car. "No problem, kid."

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