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Ashton's P.O.V.

I don't get why Mara got so mad at me yesterday. I was about to tell her that there was nothing going on between Gwen and I, but instead she just yelled at me.

That's why I said yes to Jim. I figured that Mara and I would have to talk at some point, so maybe this would be a good way.

But why would she ever think that what I told her about Gwen was a lie? I was honest about Gwen, and I would never lie to Mara.

I had to think of a way to get her to believe me. I had to.

Shit, Gwen was coming down the hallway. I tried to run, I really did.

"Ashton!" She yelled. I turned around to face her, but I saw Mara walking right behind her. I didn't know whay to do, so I ran the opposite direction.

I had to, I had no choice. I did not want to talk to Gwen, and I just wanted to let Mara know that she was the one I wanted, not Gwen.

I bumped into Luke as I ran. "Luke! Luke, you have to help me!" I yelled at him. "Please!"

Luke looked all confused, and I couldn't blame him. I'd sure as hell be confused too if I were in his position.

"Come here!" I dragged him to the corner of the hallway and fell to my knees. "I really fucked it up with Mara. She was mad because I was talking to Gwen the other day, and I tried to explain to her that nothing was going on between us, but she wouldn't listen. Then she ran away from me, and, and I just want it to be like the way it was when we went to the carnival and the first day of school. You gotta help me, please!"

Luke stared at me as if I had three heads. He finally spoke after a moment.

"Come to my house after school today," he told me. "I have a plan."

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