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I took a deep breath as I stepped through the gigantic glass double doors of BigTime Entertainment. Today was my first day as a junior Art Director in the company. 

Kpop is becoming such a huge phenomenon globally, that this major entertainment company was scouting for more and more talent to join their ever-growing team. 

It was the perfect escape and a really big break for my career which is all I wanted to focus on right now. I love my job. I love creating sets, telling stories through visuals and bringing the artists that I work with, visions to life. I was most excited to be a part of making music videos and being a part of the creative process behind the scenes. Anyone who has seen a kpop music video knows how freakin', next level they are. So I was literally speechless at the idea of one day being a part of making one of these visual masterpieces.

 I'm a bundle of nerves as my heels tap noisily against the marble floors of the foyer and I approach the reception desk.

A cute girl in a silk blouse with her hair tied into a high pony tail glanced up at me expectantly, "Hi, my name is Anna. I'm the new junior art director. I'm supposed to be starting today?" I explained.

"Hi Anna, we've  been expecting you!" she popped up off her seat, making her way eagerly around the other side of the reception desk towards me. 

Woah! this one has a lot of energy

"My name's Choi Sun, I'll show you around and take you to see PD Jeonghan. He will show you to your office." she chirped.

"My very own office? Wow!" I thought to myself as I followed her down the hallway and into a nearby lift. 

"I love your outfit by the way!" she beamed as we both got into the elevator facing each other. 

"And ooooh your shoes!!" she clapped her tiny manicured hands together in approval and delight at my red Jimmy Choo heels. 

I shifted my weight from side to side awkwardly, feeling shy from all the attention. I wore a colourful, floral summer dress that day with a white boyfriend blazer, it was the first day of my new job so why not wear new shoes!? My new Jimmy choo's were perfect for the occasion. Just as I like to express myself visually through art and design, I also like to do the same with my fashion. It wasn't about showing off or anything; I just like to wear what makes me feel good.

I like Choi Sun already, even though it seems like she has had one too many cups of coffee  already today and it was only 8am! You could tell that she was being genuinely nice and not just polite

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I like Choi Sun already, even though it seems like she has had one too many cups of coffee  already today and it was only 8am! You could tell that she was being genuinely nice and not just polite. This calmed my nerves a bit. If everyone here was as nice as her, that would be amazing. 

"Thank you so much." I smiled to myself, glancing up at the ceiling as we went up. 

We got out on the third floor and I followed Choi Sun around as she animatedly pointed and explained what the different departments were and who worked in them. A few people acknowledged us as we walked by but most kept their heads down, busying themselves with whatever tasks they were doing.

She turned another corner, leading me down to an even wider hallway. Judging by how big and bright the offices were on this floor, I assumed that these were the executive offices and I was getting closer to meeting my new boss. As we passed the first office on the way down, I peered through a door that had been left slightly ajar. 

I was greatly rewarded for my curiosity because inside, was the most gorgeous human being I'd ever laid eyes on!

He had his back turned to the door but I could still see the profile of his face as a makeup artist stood over him, skilfully applying the most subtle touches of concealer to his already perfect face. I stood there, rooted to the spot as if in a trance, staring at the delicate slope of his nose, a razor sharp chiselled jawline, plump luscious pink lips....

His eyes were closed and dark long lashes splayed softly against gorgeous high cheekbones, fluttering slightly as the staff started to apply light dashes of powder to his face now. 

Suddenly, as if sensing that some one was watching, his head snapped toward my direction; two beautiful brown eyes met mine and I immediately realise how creepy I must look just standing there

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Suddenly, as if sensing that some one was watching, his head snapped toward my direction; two beautiful brown eyes met mine and I immediately realise how creepy I must look just standing there.

I leapt out of sight, trotting after Choi Sun who hadn't even realised that I was gone. She was still talking over her shoulder as if I'd still been walking behind her the whole time. 

She turned to look at me, frazzled and slightly out of breath, "Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost?" 

"No, not a ghost! An angel, maybe?" 

"Wha- ... who?"  she gave me a quizzical look but soon her gaze fell on the open door frame down the hallway behind us and a knowing smile spread across her face. 

"Oh, I know who you saw: that's Kim Taehyung's office. Artists don't usually get offices, much less on the same floor as the directors. But he is BigTime's biggest artist at the moment. The kid only debuted 6 months ago as a solo artist and already, he is at the top of every chart!" she chirped,  "PD Jeonghan's golden boy!"  Choi Sun did a little twirl and rolled her eyes dramatically. "Countless sold out shows in the biggest arenas, you can bet they are making BIG BUCKS out of him!"

"He's gorgeous." I breathed out lowly in response, still a bit shaken from my embarrassing encounter back there. Or could I even call it an encounter?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I grab her arm, motioning for her to continue the tour. 

"Let's continue shall we, but word of advice, Anna - I wouldn't get too up in arms about Kim Taehyung if I were you. Literally every girl wants a piece of him and as a newly debuted idol I'm pretty sure he's not allowed date." 

"Don't worry, dating is the last thing I intend on doing right now. I just got out of a relationship and just want some time for myself," I answered truthfully.

"And besides, how on earth could someone like him be interested in someone like me, anyway?" I laughed, "C'mon let's go!"

The pair of us finally made our way down to the end of the hallway to what seemed to be the largest office on the entire floor. Choi Sun motioned a thumbs up wishing me good luck, she tapped lightly on the door before letting me in. 

The door eased shut behind me. I was alone now in PD Jeonghan's Office. 

                        💕Thank you for reading💕

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