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"So what happened?"

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"So what happened?"


Caggie has been prompting me since I returned from San Francisco last night. The pair of us are sat, pouring over photographs of the artwork that J and I collected off an incredible, indie artist over the weekend. 

We were stuck in a rental together for 6 whole hours while we drove to San Francisco. Then spent two nights out of town together, sleeping in the same hotel but opted to stay in separate rooms. We were clearly attracted to each other but absolutely nothing happened.

She was probably hoping that we would hook up. But J has been very professional. He is charming at times but I think it comes naturally to him and he just can't help it. 

He really is very much about his work and I was impressed at how straightforward and concise he was in our negotiations and financial exchange with each client. 

J brought me out with him to have a look at the pieces in person before we made the final purchase. 

Of course the pieces were absolutely perfect. He had an impeccable eye.

Caggie's face falls in disappointment, "Alright, well I'm not giving up on you two!"

I let out an exasperated breath, wrapping my fingers around the coffee cup and enjoying the warmth of it. 

Should I tell her that I spent the entire 6 hour car ride staring out of the window thinking about Taehyung. Wondering about if he slept well, had he ate well and what he was doing right now? Did he miss me?

I missed him.

J chatted to me politely and didn't push himself on me at all. He was a great guy in fact, maybe I should have tried harder with him. But last weekend I just couldn't. 

It felt almost like all the fight had gone out of me in terms of searching for any type of intimate relationship. 

Yes, when J looked at me with those soft dark eyes, I did feel things. I was a warm blooded female after all and very much still alive. 

I had needs. 

Being around J for the last two days, however, only invoked one need within me and that was to be with Taehyung. 

J's masculine energy only jogged my memory of how warm and comforting it would feel to have Tae in the driver's seat next to me instead. His right hand resting casually at the top of the steering wheel whilst his other hand trailed nonchalantly from my leg to the gear-stick and then back again. 

"Hey, earth to Anna!" Caggie suddenly, waves  her hand in front of my face.

I jumped, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I chuckled into my coffee taking another sip from the mug.

"Anna is there something that you're not telling me?" she asks, eyes widening in concern. But I shake my head no, mustering the brightest smile that I can in return.

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