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'Anna's POV'

I'm getting Married!

To Kim Taehyung...

I can't believe it!

Only two more nights left before we'll both promise to spend the rest of our lives together and I can hardly wait.

"Mmmmnnn...." Taehyung groans, stirring awake next me in bed. I am the first thing he reaches for, pulling me in close before nuzzling his face against the back of my neck and I smile at the delicate kiss that he places on my shoulder.

This is what my dreams were made of and I was actually living it.

"G-morning...." He mumbles, puffy eyes half closed.

"Good morning, baby." I whisper and Taehyung smiles. He always does whenever I call him 'baby' in the morning.

The sound of my phone almost vibrating its way off of the bedside table shakes me from my love-drunk stupor.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh" Caggie squeals excitedly from the receiver, "Rise and shine bitch, today is your day!"

"Cagieee," I shield my eyes in embarrassment knowing that Taehyung can hear her. But he only laughs and rolls over, getting out of bed.

Pushing some stray hairs away from his forehead, he rakes his fingers through his dark mane, ruffling his hair so that the cute bits that always stick out after his night's sleep, now fall uniformly together.

He scratches his back, right under the shoulder blade then does a few morning stretches. The honeyed contours of his body glisten as he stands there, in only a pair of black Calvin Kleins, leaving not much to my imagination.

"Anna..." I hear Caggie call out sounding disgruntled, "Anna, are you listening!"

"Uhh, yes!" I say, painfully moving my attention away from Taehyung's v-line.

"I know its early to call but I'm just so excited! And I don't want you to be late. And I need to come to your house. Because Margot said we should all get ready there, and..."

"Caggie? .....Cag' stop!"

"What?" She asked sounding surprised and out of breath.

"First of all, take a deep breath and chill, this is just a bachelorette party. I told you already that I don't even need one."

"Don't be silly, Anna! I'm your only bridesmaid. I'm your maid of honour too. What else am I supposed to do other than show you the best last night of your single life!" Caggie sounds off from the other end of the line.

"Okayyy," I sigh, "Just don't plan anything too crazy. And you can come over anytime. Tae is leaving soon to meet Jungkook and Jimin at the airport after he checks on his parents."

"Yay! Ok great, see you soon. Toodle-oo!" And with that she's gone in a click.

Taehyung re-merges from the shower, fully dressed- to my disappointment.

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