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After my introduction to PD Jeonghan, I quickly realised that everything wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be

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After my introduction to PD Jeonghan, I quickly realised that everything wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be. 

He was a tall, thin man about mid -fifties with a questionable spattering of facial hair that left me wondering but I stayed focused on making eye contact so that I didn't seem rude. 

When I approached his desk he motioned for me to sit. He then went on to explain that I wasn't the Junior art director just yet but only a mere trainee who would be vying for the position alongside another hopeful. We were to share an office, working together to complete a number of tasks under the direction of the senior Art Director. After three months, he would make a decision between the two of us, who would be staying.

I didn't mind putting in the work but it just seemed a bit unfair and took me by surprise that I would literally have to be fighting against another person for the job that I was brought here to do. 

They had offered me the job and I accepted. Everything had been finalised and agreed so this news threw me a bit. 

It dawned on me that I wasn't as secure as I thought I was at the outset. 

In the mean time, the pay would still be the same. They did give me a pretty nice apartment and all my expenses were paid for. 

So I guess it wouldn't be that bad after all.

 Anxiety plagued me now. I thought that I had this in the bag and was ready to start a new life but now it could be all over. 

One shitty move or mistake before the next three months was up and it could mean the end of the road for me. 


"Come in!" I responded to a soft knock at the door.

When no one answered I frowned, jumping over a few boxes and making my way towards it so that I could see who was there.

It was a Saturday evening and there shouldn't have been anyone else here. 

I'd just popped in to get things set up in my HALF of an office. 

The other side was to be left bare for the other expected trainee.

This way, I could be ready to get on with business on Monday.

Smoothing a few stray hairs that had started to come undone back up into my messy bun and tugging the hem of my oversized grey hoodie down over my bum, I leaned forward opening the door ever so slightly.  

To my surprise, when I poked my head out, my face nearly smashed straight into someone else's! 

"Hey!" I shouted in surprise, darting back and stumbling over some of the open boxes behind me.

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