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                                               Anna's POV

I wake up in Taehyung's arms the next morning. He has me spooned into a bear hug and I sigh contentedly, placing my hand over his. This causes him to stir behind me. His long, slender fingers interlaced with mine. I can feel him smile against the back of my neck as he nuzzles his face against me.  

"Hi," he whispers.

"Hi," I reply, turning under the covers to face him.

I'm not wearing any clothes and I'm not sleeping in my own bed.

I guess my night was a success!

I giggle softly, remembering how much fun we had at the club and after the club.

"Hmmmm," he chuckles. "I can get used to this."

"Me too," I smile looking into his deep brown eyes. For the past week, I've honestly contemplated a million times if what I was doing was worth it. Was it really worth the risk of losing my only chance at freedom and staying safe from the darkness that awaited me, if I did ever return to LA?

 I was putting everything on the line by choosing Taehyung.

 I don't really like the sneaking around but Taehyung has done his best to make things easy and help me feel normal about the situation. We've only known each other for less than three months and here I was; risking it all for him. I hope that I'm making the right decision. 

I absentmindedly chew on my lower lip and Taehyung notices. He brushes the tip of his nose against mine, breathing softly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, gently cupping my chin and rubbing the pad of his thumb against my lower lip to stop me from biting it.

"N- nothing!" I breathe out, giving a little laugh. "I'm fine."

He kisses my lips and squeezes me tighter in his embrace, brushing the tip of his nose along my neck now. 

"Let's just retire and have babies,"  he mumbles against my skin.

"Tae!" I slap his bicep and he looks back at me wide eyed, "What?" he asks, innocently shooting me a cute, boxy smile. 

Pulling back, my eyes drink in the sight of him: He's beautiful. Features so delicate that he doesn't even seem real. I lift a finger, tracing lightly along his jawline but when he tries to nibble on it, I spring up from the bed laughing.

"You are insane!" I chuckle. Ignoring him, I try to escape to the bathroom. We've been lying in bed all morning.

 "Why not?"  he whines, pulling me down by the arm so that I'm now resting on top of him. 

"Because I'm not ready for kids yet," I mutter. A certain thought enters my mind and I quickly brush it aside.

"You would make a beautiful mother," he smiles, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

"Umm - that's enough about that!" I move his hand away and laugh awkwardly, rolling myself off of him. I want to change the subject. Then I remember that there is actually something I wanted to ask him about.



"I want to ask you something and can you be honest with me?" His long, dark eyelashes flutter in question as he looks at me with huge puppy-dog eyes and I feel bad for even asking him but I need to know if something is going on.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now