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                                               Taehyung's POV

I feel anxious and a little sad as I prepare to return home. 

 The crisp, gentle wind of the Korean countryside wafts in through a small chink in the sliding door. 

I step through it and out into the garden, allowing it to glide shut behind me.

Taking a deep breath in, I walk towards the small fresh-water pond outside and study my reflection in its green depths, crystal clear like stained glass. 

Rehab isn't a place that I ever expected myself to end up but after what happened to me, I feel lucky to have been here at all, to be alive.

And it was all because of her..

Anna, she saved my life. 

My Love, my Angel. 

Suddenly I feel queasy with excitement at the thought of seeing her again. Its been a month since she last visited and she offered to collect me on my release today but I said, no. I'm grateful for how supportive Anna was being of me this entire time but I don't want her to see me in this place again. 

The next time I see my love, it should be as a new man. The one that would be strong enough to protect her, wise enough to guide and comfort her and a better person because now I'm able to make the right choices in life. I know that I can be everything she needs now and more. 

Still, I can't help but feel terrible for all that I've put her through and I just want to make things right. 

The breeze suddenly picks up, ruffling my hair away from my face. I take it as a sign that its time for me to go.

Re-entering the Hannok, I fasten my suitcase closed with shaking hands. 

Giving this place that I called home for the last six months, one last look. I finally say, goodbye.


"Well, look what the bunny dragged in!" Jimin exclaims over the buzz and clatter of instruments playing. He makes a swift motion with his hand and the music immediately stops.

"Live band, nice addition right?' Jimin asks, his face filled with pride as he hops off the stage

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"Live band, nice addition right?' Jimin asks, his face filled with pride as he hops off the stage. He joins the two friends waiting below.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now