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6 Months Later

Stepping off the plane to Seattle, I hugged the lapels of my coat tighter around my neck. 

It was the end of January and freezing! 

Making quick work of the baggage claim process, I flagged down a cab and made the short trip to a trendy hotel in the city centre. 

Today I was traveling for business and not for pleasure but still, I decided to treat my self to staying in a nice hotel anyway. 

Perhaps a bit of luxury might possibly ease the burden of what was to come if I had somewhere nice to lay my head after the day ahead?

Was I ready to face it? 



"Anna!" a frail but cheerful voice rings out to me as I step into the brightly lit room of the care centre.

"Mom?" my voice calls out shakily. Will she recognise me?

Her vision has been deteriorating, the Dr says.

"Mom, its me..." I speak softly, coming to rest at the side of the bed taking her hand. Its as soft as a rose petal and warm within mine.

"Of course, its you my darling?" she laughs and I hold my breath relieved at how her laugh still sounds the same. 

She's getting weaker as time goes on according to the briefing that the staff gave me before I came in but she's still cognoscente besides having difficulties with her vision and her right side becoming slightly paralysed.

"How are you feeling today, huh?" she smoothes her fingertips gently over the contours of my face and I lean in, breathing in her scent. 

I laugh, "Mom, I should be asking you that...don't worry about how I'm feeling."

She smelled like honey and wild flowers. 

Dressed in a crisp and clean, powder blue set of pyjamas and her hair neatly combed back behind her ears, I smiled at how lovely she looked today, despite her condition.

"But I'm not worried. I can just tell a difference in you," she smiles.

"There's no difference.....well -" I trail off when I think about the fact that since I'd last seen her, Taehyung had come back into my life.

"You're glowing, I can tell! There's no need to worry about me, sweetie. I feel great just knowing that you're happy and safe."

"...there is someone I'd like you to meet, mom. He's- well, he's umm...." I always felt awkward talking to my mom about my love life. She was my hero, my protector until the wrath of disease decided to pull her into its clutches and slowly steal her away from me. 

I hold her delicate hand to my face, letting the heat of her palms comfort me.

 But something inside me is burning to tell her about Taehyung. 

" Is there a special man in your life, my little darling?" my mom asks, sweetly and I cringe. I never liked having these kind of conversations with my mom. 

It's not that she's not cool about it. I know that she's been wanting me to settle down for ages but its just awkward discussing my love life with my mother.

"I......yes. I've met someone and its getting kind of serious so.."

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