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A week has passed and still no sign of my workplace rival who is supposed to be sharing the office with me. I make my way down to the basement of BigTime Headquarters in search of the outdoor dumpsters. 

I need to discard the pile of cardboard boxes that have accumulated as a byproduct of the glamorous task I had been assigned that morning: unboxing new props for the set of a shoot

The Senior Art director doesn't say much to me. He just grumpily orders me around, asking me to perform mundane tasks. Most of which so far have been manual and time consuming. 

He hasn't looked at any of my sketches once or let me sit in on any client meetings and I'm starting to loose even more morale as the days go by. 

I wobble down the narrow stairs to the basement carrying an armful of cardboard and plastic wrapping. I can hear the muffled sound of music thumping. It's coming from somewhere close by but there are so many corridors in this place and this 'basement' is huge. 

Who knows where the music could be coming from?

I don't have much time to wonder about it though, because in the next instant, my foot slips. 

I skipped a step on the narrow stairs and the entire contents of my hands goes flying. 

I land in a heap....the articles I was carrying float down slowly to rest beside me. I make a deep sigh, closing my eyes and allowing my head to fall back. 

Half- laying there, propped up by my elbows not bothered to move. I feel so fed- up. 

Of everything. 

I don't feel any pain anywhere so at least I'm not hurt. 

I slowly open my eyes again getting ready to stand up but I'm startled to my feet as I hear a familiar, deep voice call out to me. 

"Are you okay?"

"Noooooooooooo!" I scream internally.

 I can't believe this. 

It's Kim Taehyung and if he's asking if I'm okay then, that means he probably saw me fall like a clumsy idiot. 

My confidence immediately plummets and I feel so anxious that I can hardly breathe. 

The words of my ex immediately echo through my mind; 

"You're such a stupid bitch. You can't do anything right!". 

I can hear his snide laughter ringing in my ears and I shake my head, willing the painful memories away. 

I hadn't thought about Mark that much since I came to Seoul. He is the part of my life that I want to forget. To erase. That's why I came here in the first place. But my mood has been so low since starting this job that all these negative thoughts have started creeping in again. In recent days I've been feeling so scared and alone. I know its stupid but I still worry that he will somehow find out where I am but he couldn't possibly. I left LA without telling anyone that I was leaving. I only rang my mom when I got to Seoul to let her know  that I was no longer in the States but I didn't tell her where I went to. As usual, she was very understanding and just thanked me for making it known to her that I was safe.  This opportunity is a chance for me to start over and make a new life for myself. 

I  just wish that I was happy. 

I hadn't seen Kim Taehyung since the night of concert and this really isn't how I imagined us meeting again. 

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now