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"Hey! Is that how you greet someone who brings you food?"

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"Hey! Is that how you greet someone who brings you food?"

"That's how I greet a traitor who is fraternising with the enemy!" I say pouting. He looks confused for a moment until he realises that I'm referring to what Choi Sun said about him and Yuna.

 Taehyung looks annoyed, "I'm not- ahh." he lets out a frustrated sigh, pouting as well.

"Ah, are you jealous?" he grins.

"No." I reply hotly, attempting to close the door on his face but he wedges his body in against it just in time.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He looks so scared that I'm going to actually lock him out. A smile creeps to the corners of my lips as I try to suppress my laughter.

"Please just let me come in I'll explain everything.." 

He is standing there, arms laden with two bags of something piping hot. I could tell from the steam that condensed on the plastic bags. As the delicious smell of whatever was inside wafted to my nostrils, an audible growl emitted from my stomach causing Taehyung to raise an eyebrow, knowingly. He smiles broadly, now wiggling them both up and down. 

"Hmmmm?" he raises both arms swinging the bags of takeaway, suggestively.

"Ok, fine! Come in."

"How did you know I was hungry anyway?" I ask.

"I just know these things." he quips, "We are besties after all, I know what you want, I know what you need, we're literally telepathic!" 

I cross my arms over my chest , "Oh really?" 

"Yes! " he continues, "You see these ears, their not big for nothing!"

I laugh.

"They started tingling and I said, hmmm..." 

He scrunches his face up rubbing his chin dramatically, "Anna must be hungry!"

We both erupt in a fit of giggles and when we stop, without even thinking of what I was doing I lift my hand to his ear that is covered by some of his hair. My fingers gently sweep the little fringe of soft dark locks behind it.

"Your ears aren't too big," I say softly, "Their perfect!"  

Smiling, Taehyung goes silent as colour rushes to his cheeks and the awkwardness that builds is palpable.

"I-" I mumble trying to backtrack...

"No, it's okay!" he smiles breathlessly and everything goes quiet again.

"So what's in the bag!?" I blurt out and we both snap back to reality. 

Taehyung's playful smile returns as he holds the bag high, dangling it.

"Stop!" I laugh, jumping up and swiping one from him. He follows me to the kitchen island where he starts to unpack the contents, naming them as he removes each item.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now