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                                                Anna's POV

I nervously pace the hallways outside BigTime entertainment's design studio. Yuna sits on a small chair at the far side of the space opposite me. Legs and arms crossed, she drums her bony fingers against her forearms. 

"I don't know what you're so nervous about," she snickers. "You know that I've already won."

I turn to look at her, regarding the sickening smirk that remained permanently smeared across her face. She seemed to always look like that. At least whenever I was around anyway.

She glances carelessly down at her fingernails before she continues, sounding utterly bored whilst speaking to me, "Honestly, you should have just bowed out gracefully at the start when you saw what you were up against. This is so embarrassing!" she giggles girlishly, crossing her legs again.

I had a right to be nervous. The fear of having to go back home to Mark was now gone since his arrest but now there was another reason for me to stay in Seoul.


Today was the day that our media projects would be judged by the Senior Art Director and then his advice would be given to PD Jeonghan. For the first time, I made my very own VCR trailer, entirely created and directed by me. Its the proudest I've ever been of anything in my life. 

This was huge. If I did by some miracle, beat Yuna, my ad would be used all across Asia and internationally. My heart pounded at the thought of what a major stepping stone this would be for my career and how many doors could be opened for me by this one incredible opportunity. I would really and truly be able to make a new life for myself. I didn't care about Yuna's snide remarks or empty threats. I crossed my fingers, hoping that the immense amount of effort I had put in over the last few weeks would be reflected in my work and that would speak for itself.

After a few moments the Senior Art Director emerges. His eyes settle on Yuna right away and my heart drops. 

''Well," he takes a deep breath,  "After viewing both your bodies of work, I have to say that both your efforts were commendable. However, as we all know, only one of you can remain on my creative team and that person is the one who has shown the most dedication, talent and results through their performance and artwork to date. 

He takes a long pause before continuing and I can feel my heart in my throat. I really want this. Not just for my relationship but for my career. I can start to build my own life, pave my own way in the world and create an identity for myself. My hands are balled into fists and I squeeze my eyes shut, holding my breath.

"Anna-" I peek one eye open at the sound of my name to find the senior art director standing right in front of me and he is.....smiling?

"Will you do me the honour of joining my creative team here at BigTime Entertainment?"  every possible good feeling rushes through my body all at once. I am excited, exhilarated and unbelievably delighted all at the same time!

I cheerfully let out a big "whoop!" and when I turn around to see Yuna's reaction, she is already storming down the corridor.

"Daddy's going to hear about this!" she fumes, before disappearing out of sight.

We both turn to face each other looking amused at Yuna's petulant behaviour. The Senior Art Director winks at me as I silently mouth an excited, "Thank you!" to him. He sweeps back into the studio, caftan trailing behind. His voice booms out after him,

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