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                             ***love is patient, love is kind***

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We're going to Bali!

After everything that's happened, I should feel sad, I should feel empty: but I don't. 

Taehyung has been wonderful to me. He wouldn't even let me go back to my apartment. I didn't spend a moment alone. Whatever void I should have felt, Taehyung made sure that it was filled up. I even cried in my sleep a few times but he was always there to hold me. During the day, he cared for me and nurtured me. I was waited on hand and foot. Now he was going to take me away from it all, 'a change of  scenery' he called it. I had to admit that I was both relieved and excited to be getting away for a few days. 

Gi- seok is still being a creep. 

He gave me the dirtiest looks whenever Tae wasn't looking every time he came over to his house and even as he dropped us off at the airport. I don't even know why he helped me with my legal matters against Mark. I think it has little to do with helping me and more to do with protecting Taehyung from any scandal because of  him getting involved in my situation. It was all a cover up to protect his image. I have no problem with that but I can see it for what it is. 

I'm still grateful for all their help. I'm just ready to put this nightmarish chapter of my life behind me.

The flight Is a couple hours long and I fall asleep on Taehyung for most of it. 


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When we get there, a car is waiting for us at the airport. The drive to the place we will be staying at seems longer than the flight itself! Im cranky but put it down to me just being over all the travel and wanting us to be able to finally drop our bags and settle in somewhere.

Soon the car rounds on a long expanse of leafy but manicured tropical gardens which lead up to a gorgeous cluster of luxury villas. 

The car doesn't stop however and I turn to Taehyung with a puzzled look on my face, wondering what's going on. After driving on past more beautiful gardens the car stops at a secluded entrance and a little golf cart pulls up alongside . 

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