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"Aaaaaah, Jungkook!" my entire body screamed under pressure, "I don't know how much more I can take!" I whine loudly.

Every single muscle feels like its on fire! 

"C'mon sweetheart, I know you've got this!" Jungkook chides, his intense gaze meeting mine- sweat coursing down both our faces and necks.

I let out a shrill cry before hurling the barbel to the ground.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I pant, resting both hands on my knees to catch a breath.

"What?" he chuckles innocently but his mouth sports a wicked smirk. He was always trying to push me too hard at the gym.

"I think you did so well in the last few sessions with the 20kg!" he pats me densely on the back making me cough slightly, "You were starting to plateau so we needed to up the resistance today. You were ready!" 

I roll my eyes, puffing tiredly as I reached for my water bottle on the ground.

"Thanks for the compliment but I think I'll stick to what I can handle, 20 kgs was already a lot!"

"Don't pay any attention to him, he does it all on purpose," Jimin interjects, turning to me with a sneaky pout. "It's the only way that he'll ever get to hear you moan for him, am I wrong?" he giggles hysterically. 

The pair take off running around the empty gym we had reserved for our daily morning session. With Jungkook chasing after Jimin. The shorter being much more agile and light on his feet. He was enjoying every bit of the chase as he flitted effortlessly fast around the room, dodging and diving out of Jungook's angry reach.

Retrieving a soft little towel from my gym bag, I wipe the sweat from my neck and shoulders before gathering my stuff and heading to showers. 

Jungkook finally catches him, throwing his body to the floor and the pair are tousling, rolling around and scrapping like little kids. 

What's new?

"See you later guys," I wave over my shoulder before exiting the room but Jimin frees himself from the tangle on the floor to skip over to my side. Jungkook  following after him.

I smile, "Thank you for today, see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow!" they chime in unison.

But before I can leave, Jimin catches me gently by the shoulder.

"Hey Anna, thanks for still meeting up with us like this even after Taehyung is back and everything," Jungkook nods shyly in agreement next to him.

"What you did for Taehyung, being there for him and getting him through this whole mess, you're like a sister to us now!" 

They both pull me in for a group hug and I fight for breath because I'm being squeezed so tight.

"Okay, okay, okay. You guys are gonna make me cry!" I joke and we all chuckle together, untangling our limbs from each other.

"You both know how much I care for Tae and I know you do too. I just did what any of you would have done for him." The boys look at me softly as I speak. I really do appreciate them. They took me under their wing while Taehyung was away at rehab and checked up on me constantly to make sure that I didn't  have to struggle emotionally and be on my own. 

I guess in a way Taehyung did help me to make some friends here. It was even Jungook's idea for us to all start working out together to make sure that I got out of the apartment instead of going to work and then returning home again everyday. We kept each other's spirits up while waiting for Taehyung to make his recovery.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now