SHOW ME (18+)

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Only heaven knows how we went from narrowing down guest lists, co- ordinating catering services and security for the event, to J finger fucking me at the dining table.

His fingers work quickly.

Rubbing frantically, making my insides spasm and tremble.

"Ooooh, J!" I moan into his chest, clutching at his sides.

He's sitting beneath me, legs spread wide in order to hold mine open fully as my body balances on top of him.

I scream and convulse around his fingers before he pulls them out. 

Bringing the dripping digits to his mouth, J lazily licks at the juices that coated those two talented instruments.

Raising my head now to look at him, the room is still spinning from my orgasm but the white dots that blur my vision don't stop me from attacking the waistband of his sweatpants to reveal his hardened member. 

Scrambling below the table, I position myself between J's muscular thighs.

Taking him in my hands, he's firm to the touch but silky, soft and I can feel the veins of his generosity, throb beneath my fingers.

He's ready for me.

Just as I'm about to bring the warm, engorged pole to my lips, the sound of the door to my apartment opening, startles the both of us. 

J leaps up from the chair, making himself decent and I bang my head on the table's edge in a less than skilful attempt to get out and off my knees. 

A delighted Caggie stands in the doorway, grinning from ear-to- ear.

"Well, now please don't stop on my account!" she gargles, "I was just grabbing a few things!" she skips happily into her room and I turn back to look at J, mortified.

I'm still massaging the sore spot on my head when he reaches for me, pulling me into him.

"I'm so sorry, she wasn't supposed to come back 'till later!"

"It's okay," he kisses the sore spot on my head and chuckles deeply.

Gripping a handful of his shirt, we kiss quickly before J excuses himself from the apartment. We've pretty much gotten all our work done anyway so I tell him its okay to go home.

"I'll see you tonight?"

"See you tonight!" I sing out after him and close the door. I press my back against it allowing myself to slide to the floor, eyes closed letting out a big breath.

When I open them, I find Caggie towering over me with the same ridiculous grin on her face.

"Anna-banana is being a naughty little minx!"

"Uuuungggg!" I groan, wishing that she would disappear. I really didn't want to get teased for this.

"Alright!" she shoots back in response, sensing my grave embarrassment and mercifully deciding to spare me, just this once.

She gives me a hand, pulling me to my feet again and we plop onto the sofa together.

"So.....?" Caggie questions.

"So, what?" I pretend to flick through the TV channels with interest and she bats the remote control from my hands.

"Don't play dumb, it's me!" she stuffs a miniature chocolate bar into her mouth before giving me the look.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now