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"This is not how today is supposed to go!" I fuss, wringing my hands together worriedly and staring out of the window. 

Caggie rolls her eyes while doing up the laces of my corset. 

I turn back to the mirror, regarding myself in the ivory set of bridal lingerie.

"You look hot!" Caggie pips, "who even needs the dress!" She chortles.

"You're right," I sigh loudly, "I might not even need to leave this room if it keeps on raining like this!"

Exasperated with the inclement weather that faced me on the most important day of my life, I was starting to panic.

"Calm down babes, it's just a little drizzle and the weather is forecasted to be warm and sunny with a slight breeze!"

Caggie makes a whooshing motion with her arm and her eyes land on me in comic disapproval at my unwaveringly sulky appearance.

"Cmon! You worry too much!" She jabs me playfully with her elbow before returning to the strings at my back and tying a neat little bow right above my posterior. 

I glance in the mirror, again, satisfied with my hair and makeup, at least! The lingerie is nice too.

Bending over to pick up my bridal shoes, my eyes happily alight on the glittering pair of killer heels in my hands.

At least something made me smile.

At least something made me smile

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knock, knock, knock!

"Who is it?" Caggie calls, loudly. She moves quickly towards to the door her body stealthy and streamlined in the silky, champagne coloured bridesmaid dress. 

She looked lovely.

"It's me," the voice calls back at us through the door and I gasp in surprise. Meanwhile, Caggie's face screws up into a ball of annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" she hisses, angrily through a crack in the door, not allowing the visitor to come in.

"I just want to talk to Anna, it'll only be a minute."

I stifle a giggle and Caggie's expression grows even more annoyed.

"You have the entire rest of your life to talk to her, now scram!"

"-Wait! ... Please?" he begs.

"Tae, its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!" Caggie whines impatiently, still trying to close the door in on him but he presses against it, holding it open.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now