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A familiar, chirpy voice rings in my ear and I stifle a groan of annoyance as I look up to find Choi Sun staring back at me. 

She has her head poked into the door of my office and half her body still left in the hall. 

"Hi how are you?" I ask, raising my voice slightly, in fake interest.

"I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" she asks, "I heard the good news about your job but not much more from you since then."

"I know! I've just been super busy!" I smile, awkwardly.

The truth is that I've been avoiding her like the plague ever since the incident with Taehyung happened. Plus he is such a big part of my life now, what was I gonna talk about with her if he wasn't involved or without his name coming up in conversation somehow? 

"You know that, Gi-seok isn't working here anymore?"

"I heard." 

My shoulders tense and I focus my attention back to the pad and paper on my desk to continue sketching. 

I have no interest in talking about Gi-Seok but suddenly a thrill of panic runs through me at the thought of her knowing just under exactly what circumstances he had come to lose his job and whether or not he had said anything about me.

"That's weird, do you have any idea why?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"No, he wouldn't tell me plus things haven't been going that well between us lately," she drops her voice an octave, "I think he's been cheating on me, I just know it. I have a feeling," she stares at the ground sadly and now I feel a bit bad for her.

How did she even fall for a complete asshole like him anyway, I have no idea!

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that,"


"Some things just aren't meant to be, you know?"

"Yea, I guess you're right??" she mumbles, "Anyway, you're still friends with Taehyung right?"

My pencil freezes on the page.

"Uh, not really no. Why?" I question, looking up.

"Ohh, okay. You know what is weird? The way he disappeared all of a sudden and now he's debuting as an actor! Uncle Jeonghan even pulled some strings to get him into a major film!" her eyes are practically bulging out of her head and I'm beginning to feel a tiny bit aggravated and annoyed. 

It's not her fault though, maybe it's the guilt. I know about everything and the reasons why but I can't say anything. I can't trust her or anyone close to PD Jeonghan. I try my best to ignore her presence, hoping that she'll get the message that I want her to leave but she still continues on rambling and gossiping away until;

"The lead actress in the film is Im Ji-nah!" I scrunch my nose up, giving her a quizzical look and she runs over to me brandishing the display of her phone screen so close to my face that I have to pull back in my seat for fear of receiving a broken nose in the process!

My face goes pale at the sight of the image on the screen. 

She's gorgeous! 

She's gorgeous! 

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