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'I'm Sorry.

I love you.

 Tae ❤️'

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Replacing the little card into the gift box I just received to my office, I sighed. 

Here he was apologising to me and he didn't do anything wrong.

I've been ignoring Taehyung ever since Busan happened. I texted to tell him I would not go to Geochang to meet his parents with him but he's had no communication from me since then.

Not because I was angry or hurt by him anymore but because I needed time to think about what my next move would be. 

It seemed as though I'd been making all the wrong ones lately.

Sniffing the fruity hand-made soap and turning the artisan candle over, I rolled the cool glass jar between my palms, letting out another heavy sigh. 

I didn't deserve him. 

Teahyung knew me so well. 

He knew how much I liked taking baths, having my precious 'me time' and that this little gesture would let me know that he still cared. 

He was thinking about me and probably wondering if I was okay. He wanted me to do the one thing that I loved to do most whenever I returned home after a long day at work.

I'm sure he's hoping that I will light this candle, run a bath and break this yummy spelling bath-cake into the sudsy, warm water and think of him. He still cared and I knew it. 

But for the moment, I was too ashamed and embarrassed now to face him. 

I swipe away the notification which indicates another 11 missed calls from the home screen on my phone. There's also 4 from Jimin and 17 from Jungkook. I've been avoiding them too. 

Taehyung will still be away filming for another week so that buys me some time. I won't have to deal with him till then. I just needed some time to get my emotions in check.

It was only after getting home from Busan that I realised the great predicament I'd placed myself in. Everything became clear to me. 

Never really getting the chance to properly heal after ending things with Mark might have affected me in ways that I wasn't aware of before. 

How could I be when I had the warm, fuzzy glow of Taehyung's love and affection wrapped around me? I was living my life through rose coloured glasses where everything was okay because I was caught up in the safe haven of one beautiful man. A man who made me feel cherished, wanted and needed, even more so recently I had even become his hero. 

Every time he looked at me, I felt like a shiny,new penny!

 precious and loved 

Before Tae, Mark was all I'd ever known and ending my relationship with him left me in a dark place. I had no self worth. I didn't really believe in myself . Coming to Seoul was a challenge to prove to myself that I wasn't worthless, that I could do this. 

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now