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Rushing through the now familiar double doors of the headquarters, Anna spots Choi Sun sitting at reception and instead makes a determined b-line straight for her office. 

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

Stumbling over my feet a little bit, I make a mad dash toward the elevator. This makes me think that perhaps I should have considered Taehyung's advice about the shoe thing..

I stayed up all night working on a briefing proposal to show to the senior art director. I really wanted to try and impress him in hopes that he would start taking me more seriously. Once he sees what I'm capable of maybe he will let me play a bigger role.  After completing the brief however, I somehow got the notion in my head that it was a good idea to stay up a bit longer and dye my hair.

 I meant to do it anyway after leaving LA. I felt a change would be a good; the final step in creating this new image and persona. 

But deep down, I knew the real reason for this sporadic behaviour. 

It was just purely a reflection of the massive amount of stress and anxiety that's been eating me alive lately.

It was just purely a reflection of the massive amount of stress and anxiety that's been eating me alive lately

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"She's here!" 

I snap my head around, alarmed!

Choi Sun is flapping her arms up and down, eyes wide as I enter the foyer. She comes shuffling toward me and I hold up an outstretched arm in defence.

"Stop, you're making a scene. Just calm down and tell me what or better yet, who you are talking about?" I hiss through gritted teeth. 

I press the button to the elevator and get in. 

She follows behind me starting and stopping every time she is about to form a sentence. 

We get out on the floor of my office and she continues to follow me, mumbling a few words to herself that I'm unable to decipher. 

I pause to give her a bored look. Well used to her hyper attitude now, I don't even bother getting the least bit unnerved or excited by this type of display. 

Maybe her favourite boy band is in the building right now or something? 

But when she suddenly blurts out, "I'm sorry, I should have told you this from the beginning- " 

The look on her face is twisted with guilt and now she's got my full attention. 

"Told me what from the beginning?" Im not easily roped in by Choi Sun and her antics but the way she is acting peaks my concern and a feeling of dread creeps in when I see her gulp in hesitation before continuing. 

"That my sister is here." she said.

"What does your sister being here have to do with anything?" 

I'm growing even more confused with every passing second and my patience is getting short.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now