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'Darkness cannot drive out Darkness, only light can do that'

Opening my eyes a blinding white light causes me to flinch, closing them again. 

I hear a familiar voice gently calling my name. 

Turning my head, I see Taehyung crouched next to me. 

He's wearing the same suit I thought I saw him in at the launch and is holding my hands at a hospital bed-side. 

I smile looking down at them as his large ones cradle mine- his long and elegant fingers intertwined with my smaller ones.

"A-am I dead?" I croak out weakly to him.

Taehyung's face spreads into a beautiful smile. 

I can't help but smile back.

Its as if his smile had some kind of healing effect on me. 

I've missed that smile so much.

"So you're really here?" I say in disbelief, reaching out a hand to touch his face.

"I'm really here, angel!" He smiles softly, his shining gaze boring into mine. 

"H-" I begin to ask but my sentence is interrupted by the door to the hospital room opening.

"Anna?" J appears still wearing his suit from the event as well and is carrying what looks like an overnight bag.

He smiles brightly at first on seeing that I'm awake but stops dead in his tracks on his way over to me as his eyes catch a glimpse of Taehyung sitting next to the bed in the corner.

Taehyung rises to his feet and J puffs out his chest instinctively, in return. 

They silently regard each other as I sit there, my eyes flicking from one to the other. 

After a few seconds, J introduces himself to Tae and he does the same in return. 

They manage an awkward handshake before J proceeds to ignore Taehyhung's presence, handing me the bag and taking my hands in his now.

He rubs the back of them slowly with his thumb and my body tenses up awkwardly at his touch knowing that Taehyung is still in the room.

Taehyung, however has no intention of going ignored and clears his throat noisily, causing me to gently pull away from J.

J looks at me blankly like he normally does sometimes. But this time, when I stare hard enough, I can make out a flicker of hurt in them and my heart clenches with sadness for him.

"I just brought you a few things in case you needed them," he throws a careless glance at Taehyung again.

J bends over to hug me and I squeeze him back lightly, still grateful that he came.

Just then, an elderly nurse carrying a clipboard enters the room.

"So, which one of you is the boyfriend?" she declares, loudly. 

Taehyung and J eye each other beadily before she continues impatiently when nobody speaks up in good timing.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now