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                                              Taehyung's POV

I always loved the first days of Autumn. If I could think of a more beautiful thing, it would be her.

She was perfect, she was lovely and unlike any other girl I've ever met. It wasn't just her looks alone that made her unique and intriguing. 

No, it was her essence...all of her. 

Anna was really something else! I couldn't believe that I had actually gotten her to follow me to the cafe that day but I'm so glad that she did. 

We've met up once or twice since then. 

Only for coffee during work hours but I really want to get to know her outside of that. I know it might be asking for too much and I don't want to disrespect her boundaries so I've never tried to ask her out to anywhere else. 

'We're just friends," she said, but I can't help but feel that there's something more between us.

"Hyung! You're falling behind..." Junkgkook complains, looking back at me. 

The dark collars of his pea-coat frame his chiseled face and I smile thinking about how much he has changed. 

It's Jungkook's 25th birthday and we're headed to his surprise birthday party. Jimin's penthouse is probably already filled with random women and a couple of our other close friends already waiting for us to arrive.

"Is my not-so little brother getting annoyed with me?" I quip and Jungkook scoffs. 

His breath comes out in a visible cloud on the crisp, cool air. ".... is my maknae really trying to tell me what to do....." I tease further in a baby voice and Jungkook scowls looking over his shoulder.

"No," Jimin butts in, "He's not the only one annoyed, quit walking around with your head in the clouds and keep up, Tae!"

I dig my hands into the pockets of my own coat and skip a couple steps forward, falling in stride with Jungkook. I ignore him giving me the stiff shoulder, feeling a feint smile form on my lips. 

I haven't been able to stop smiling since I met Anna. My tummy feels all funny when I think of her lately and I'm strangely happy all the time. This is new for me.

"Are you okay, man?" Jungkook asks, looking concerned.

"I'm fine," I brush him off, "I was just thinking.."

"Thinking?" He whispers, and after eyeing me for a couple seconds he questions, "About a girl?" 

My face immediately grows hot. 


An animated smile spreads across my little brother's face. I know I'm about to get a lot of shit for this.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now