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                                                     Anna's POV

I don't get back to my apartment until late that night. Taehyung and I agreed that it was best  we spend the night apart to process things properly before moving forward.

Where did we go from here?

Well I guess we were back together. 

I'm happy but can't help but feel a strange sense of loss at the same time. 

Loss for my single life in LA and no, I don't mean in terms of dating but in being able to do and make whatever decisions that I wanted without having to worry about them affecting anyone else but me.

Taehyung has already hinted at me moving in with him and I don't want to lose my friendship with Caggie over a guy again.

Well, Taehyung was more that just any guy. We had a future together, that was for sure and its what I want but I still want to be Anna too. 

I don't want to lose that.

Everything that I've done and accomplished here, I've done in my own right. I'm determined not to lose my sense of self and independence in this relationship like I did in the past. 

Before making any hasty decisions, I need to talk to Caggie first. She was always good at lending me some perspective.

Slipping in through the door, everything is covered in darkness, so I assume that she's already gone to bed.

I'm exhausted too and my phone is still dead from not being charged since the night before.

I retire to my own quarters. We can catch up in the morning.


The rest of the night brings nothing but fretful sleep into the wee hours of the morning. So I decide to get out of bed at 5am and go for a run. After which I carry out a long list of errands including paying an 8am walk in visit to my OBGYN, the chemist and picking up Caggie and I some breakfast. 

By the time I get back in the door of our apartment, It's 9am and I walk in to find Caggie sitting on a barstool in the kitchen. Messy bun askew and an oversized blue t-shirt hanging from her slight shoulders, she looks up at me from her morning cup of coffee in surprise.

"Hey you!" she exclaims, setting the cup down on the counter, " I tried getting a hold of you all night, what happened?"

"Phone died."

"Awww, well my phone would die too if I was whisked off to the hospital by some hot guy claiming to be my boyfriend!"

"Cag' I can explain, that was-"

"Wait!" she holds a hand up mid-air and I can see her blue eyes go as wide as saucers in realisation, "So that's Mr. magic dick, huh?"

I groan tiredly, kneading my fingers into my forehead while Caggie lets out a scandalously victorious laugh.

"That's the guy you met in Korea that you've been moping over this whole time! Hey look, I don't blame you, he's freakin' gorgeous. I would cry the river Nile over that dick too!"

"Caggie, please!"

"Okay, okay. I'll behave!" she bats her eyelashes dramatically, giving me a sweet stare and her lips purse together before her eyes land on the paper bag that I'm carrying around in my hand.

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now