YOU GET ME (18+)

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                                        Taehyung's POV

My eyes flutter open as the sunlight streams in on my face.

Immediately, my only thought is that of wanting to roll over and wrap my arms around the beautiful woman that I spent the most amazing night with. I yawn, stretching my arm over casually, expecting it to find the warmth of her body. But instead it lands in a thud on the cold pile of ruffled sheets next to me; the space is empty.

She's not here.


My mind drifts back to visions of her voluptuous curves and kissable lips. Her skin, so soft underneath my touch as I caressed her delicious body. 

I lay back on my pillow with a contented sigh when I remember the way she fell apart beneath me and the sensuous moans that issued from her pretty mouth. She fell asleep in my arms last night but she isn't here now. I'm so confused. 

Why would she leave without saying a word?

Running my hands through my ruffled hair, I jump out of bed. Swiping my phone from the bedside table, I unlock it quickly, my heart beating a little faster than I'd like it to right now; There's no message from her.

I call her and there's no answer. Maybe she's busy?

An uneasy feeling prickles inside me suddenly but there's no time to brood. I'm really far out of the city right now. My manager, Gi- seok is picking me up at any minute. I realise this after glancing at the  time on my phone screen again.

No overthinking, Taehyung!

It's 9am and I need to go to the recording studio and then dance practice. The ride back to the city centre is long so I decide to make a move before I'm any later for my schedule today. Gi- Seok won't be too happy if I am. 


I get into the black car that's waiting outside for me, saying hello to Gi- Seok who is giving me a steely glare as I sit down. I buckle my seat belt wordlessly and settle in as he pulls away from the curb.

"Can I ask why you came all the way out here? You never come to your home- house unless you're on a break." 

I don't respond.

He speaks again, this time raising his voice a little, "It's that Anna, girl isn't it?"

I can sense the tone of disapproval in his voice and it bothers me.

A sigh of annoyance leaves my lips and I stare out of the window at the trees that go by in a blur.

 I'm thinking about her.

I've never brought a woman back here. Every other woman I've slept with, I would just bring back to my apartment in Seoul or even a hotel room would do. I didn't care. But Anna is different... I didn't want to spend time with her anywhere that I had taken other girls. My home is a long way out from the city but the only reason I brought Anna out here was because I wanted to share my real, private space with her. I thought that if I did, perhaps she could get a sense of who I really was?

I was hoping that we would spend hours laying in each others arms this morning. I was even prepared to cancel my entire schedule today and stay in, making love to her once more. Many times more. The sex was phenomenal. 

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